
YR1253 Simply FAYUTT

Today we enjoy watching our favorite obese fayutt cooking show together and with you, our gentle audience.
yr1253web fayutt

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

One reply on “YR1253 Simply FAYUTT”

YR1253 Too Heavy on my Feet(X1000) Remix starts out the grum. Then Madge and Cheryl discuss Simply Sara’s recent surgery recovery and her subsequent recipes. Movies With the Girls(MWtG) do Simply Sara videos!
Playlist for Simply Sara MWtG on youtube;
Watergate Salad 13:19
Why I Was Missing 14:36
Wanda’s Macaroni Salad 17:32
Hawaiian Sliders/Funeral Sandwiches 22:43
Pork Neck Bones and Potatoes 32:05
Country Corn Bread 40:19
Pad Thai(?) 43:45
Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich 51:52
Peanut Butter Pie 57:03
Tater Tot Casserole 1:01:11
Then Cheryl calls to order herself some Proactive. The call is ended abruptly and #reported. Then Debbie calls the Hoverround hotline and gets no help at all. Roger calls the waffle house and gets mistaken for a woman. The waffle house is not accepting applications. Then Roger and Cheryl call the help line and interrupt each other. The girls call Phil who is very sick of Debra and Cheryl and also very sick. The girls are very concerned but it doesn’t stop them from killing Phil once again. 700 Club. Madge met James Randy as a little girl. DIVINE RIP. Deese calls ain’t vetted. Roger calls the prayer line about Kim Davis. Debbie does Davis. Prairie Home Cuntpanion. Donayshuns! Donate through paypal to [email protected]. Gay sports. Debra’s returns. Madge tells a really good yoga story. Debra spills about important Starbucks Coffee hacks. Church of Debra Podcast for Debra Wilkerson. for Cheryl Merkowski. for Madge Weinstein. bloatedlesbian for twitter.

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