insane iran lyps Pig Guts with Yeast Podcasts Stink and Bea

YR713 Bacon Bloat


By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

11 replies on “YR713 Bacon Bloat”

This whole iran thing reminds me of when my saphicc butterball Chazzy kept trying to get into Kate Jackson’s pants to lick her no-no. Its hard being a busy single mother!

I loved this episode! I like it when you just ramble about anything and complain about how fucked our country is. Our president is so stupid. By the way, when does his reign of terror end? Love your show Madge, and a Verry Merry Un-Birfday to you!

It is utter bullshit that people still believe so much will change if democrats take over. I remember how I lost friends over the fact that I didn’t support the electing of democrats in the last congressional election. Here we are more than a year later and we see that they are worthless and just as guilty of all the crimes we attribute to Bush.

And then we have to deal with the fallout as people flock to support a secret-asshole who wants to dismantle social services and government standards like Ron Paul. Im so sick of the Ron Paul fad… he’s an asshole people need to not just read and start reading history.

OH yes I still throw items that remind me of you in the googles notebooks.. hope thats ok.

Bicyclemark, OK, I see what you are saying about Ron Paul. I have to support someone, The best choice is Dennis Kucinich, he will stop the war and get us a reasonable universal healthcare program. The problem is that he has little chance of success in getting elected. In addition he will have to deal with the rest of the democrats that we have now. The ones that won’t stop Bush from continuing the war.

I now have $300 setting in my desk waiting for some candidate to donate to. I am deciding on supporting Ron Paul. He will stop the war, military industrial complex and save US economy from collapse. He is an outsider for the Republicans and won’t have to fight his own party to get things done. And finally he may actually have a chance to get elected due to much larger support than Kucinich. Ron Paul is vary similar to Kucinich in many issues, however I agree that the cutting of social programs will be a bad move, that is distinctly libertarian. The good thing is that a Libertarian leaning republican like Ron Paul will keep government from regulating our rights, allowing each state the freedom to decide on issues such as abortion.

I would rather support Ron Paul than someone like Hillary Clinton. Are you suggesting I don’t vote for anyone and just buy an iphone with the money? You sound like you have totally given up on politics.

I want to vote for SOMEONE and Ron Paul is the best of the imperfect choices we have. If anyone has a better idea, please let me know.

Ron Paul is in favor of overturning Roe vs. Wade, he believes states can decide for themselves. This means all those states dominated by a majority christian fundamentalist population will resort to telling women what to do with their uteri

Ron Paul wants the US to get out of the United Nations. An organization that feeds millions of people, provides a place – imperfect as it may be – where nations can debate and mediate conflicts peacefully, that handles huge environmental concerns for the world, the manages so many aspects that the average person has never considered… he thinks we should get out of it.

Ron Paul wants to abolish the dept. of education, so most of America, in addition to the many who are already forced to, will learn all about the intricacies of how the earth was made by an imaginary white man with a beard.

He believes American Soldiers should not be able to be prosecuted for crimes they commit in an international tribunal.

His We the People Act leaves it up to state to decide on same sex marriage, which once again means if you live in an hateful homophobic state you’re shit out of luck.

I appreciate that Ron Paul talks about history… most candidates and citizens have a terrible knowledge of history allowing for our leaders to just keep repeating the same mistakes. Im glad he’s running and I respect peoples decision to support him.

What I don’t like is the sort of pack mentality on the internet that decided Ron Paul was our hero somehow while ignoring the details of what the man REALLY wants as compared to the few sound bites that get around on youtube or on Digg.

Me, Ill wait to see what the third parties have to offer. America might hate third parties, but I feel the only chance I have to vote based on my beliefs and values will be a third party.

Sorry if this sounds bitchy or anything, but why don’t you take those $300 on your desk and donate them to a certain bloated lesbian that actually deserves the money and will probably use it to forward her own efforts to end the war, battle global warming and fight for equal human rights. I think that’s a much wiser investment.

Yeah, like imagine how much fucking Haagen-Dazs 300 clams could buy.

What the fuck did Kucinich do to America? He has been ostracised and bullied all of his national political life.

He is the only one that makes any sense but still the one that gets repeatedly kicked in his Croatian nuts. What gives? I thought the Obaminator was going to be cool, but I have since changed my mind. Again, there is nothing “electable” to choose from.

Greetings from Helsinki.

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