lyps Podcasts

YR586 Obscene LYPS!

mmmmmm hmmmmmmmm

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Lesbian grunting noise.

Penny Pin Chang says special hello to someone in France.

Madge has been getting lots of sympathy letters about the Sirius.

Madge started the heavy berry eating trend.

Big headed Oprah dreaming and the Colored Purple.

Facebook is retarded and pointless and Madge likes it mostly.

Ass hair bathroom coverage.

The wonders of the modern toilet technology.

Madge gets her ass off.

Wok Face.

When Madge gets back to Chicago she is going to a yoga class taught by Noah of the PNS.

Call 206-888-CUNT to leave a message for Madge.

Thanks to Seven from the Andere Cast.

Voicemail from Emily Scott.

Psycho voicemail hate speech listening fun.

Madge is free Tuesday to be fucked.

Cheryl be ugly.

Thoughts on President Poontang.

Raw onion pieces up the ass.

Madge music mix.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

4 replies on “YR586 Obscene LYPS!”

It was really a surreal moment when I was listurdning to this show (the mashup part) and all of a sudden I was listening to myself.

Thanks bunches.

That Penny Pin jab was just a joke.


emm… wut be up with this show? Whenever u would play a CLYP, the first portion of it would play twice… yet it sounded like u didnt know. must be the soft-WHERE u be uzin. what a mess. nappy. headed. ho. that is all.

wok fayce does not appreciate ur rudeness or (un)truthfulness. HOWEVER, she be too busy to listen turd ur progrum, respond turd ur solicitations, or reply turd ur attacks. too busy losing THE weight honaye. CUMOON.

oh, and lesbeans are fat.

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