Hi. Here is a pop-up grum recorded on easter with madge and debra.
Show Notes:
Tonight’s surprise grum begins with Madge and Debra catching up on old times and praising Jesus. Unfortunately, Cheryl has to take care of a pop-up prolapse issue and can’t join the gurlz. Chickens under da beyud!
Tonight’s musical introduction gives us a glimpse of Thursday Lane’s newest rant artistically fused with a beautiful rendition of Diamonds in the background. Thursday spreads the love AND the spit with the Yeast Radio audience.
Oh we have such a *FUN SHOW* for you turday. Cheryl and me (and later Ragan Fox) have lox of fun and Cheryl calls T-Mobile about a family plan followed by her usual call to her gal pals over at NO ABORT. Not just this, but more. ALso lots of birthings and a burnt duck.Chlyupz a CLICK THE ART TO PLAY THE GRUMHOLE
tech problems
madge = head^2
chery’ls sister problems
lezbun facial HURR
Obesity Pride Monf?
live blogging drug mess
civl rights
stump fucking
ali my vagina removes a hemmorhoid
natural berfs
lots of beefs
makeup on chlyups for borties of CHeryl
MC Rosa Duck
cheryl calling t-mobile for a new line and for a prolapse proof phone
Fat boy with turkeys in his skein
Are you waving?
haiku lesterol
Vaginafaced Vegan
songstress lin ferno
Paula Deen’s skin tag
Cheryl’s orgasmic abortion(s)
calling NO ABORT
fast food garbage in car?
Continuing the trend of having REAL and PROUD yeast sufferers on Yeast Radio, Cheryl and I talk to someone who had a horror of an egg shaped pod that nearly destroyed a younger middle aged-woman’s vagina! Also- how much Bite Size Networks/Mevio sucks.
reliving last week (link to prolapse party) phone call fun (coin purse)
Shirley Robb is her name. Shirley.
Grizelda’s fascinating lesbian run in New Mexico
Yet another yeast victim/survivor/guest
discussion with cheryl regarding bortie disposal
bortie birthing pool (kiddie pool)
Bortie the Lovable Abortion (don’t tell) tranny venus mons (lesbian)
black forest vagina on mayudge
garlic/acidophilus/monostat nuclear option
yogurt gyn pop
acidic vagina yeast-free?
really a lot about yeast
bitesizednetworks dish
SBB comments on Facebook
SBB talon eating at 1:30 – smells like fresh?
facebook #blashtags
holder items reviewed
double loafed pannus
Pooping Andrea Bite Size Networks origynal CONTENT formerly mevio formerly podshow presently sux
for real popularity see http://youtube.com/mevio LAWLz !!! Millions of fans? try 4.
vertically integrated chicken ****pizzababe S&M from PME 2005****
summary- cheryl’s bbf etc
mess-up musique with LOTS of old old DT vm’s
Today we go back to the original vision of Yeast Radio: Vaginal Yeast. My guest is currently surviving a yeast infection. Be inspired by her courage. I know I am!
Show Notes: Sylvie Lesbian mashup
Technical ISSUES
Girdle Spilover
Vagina/Food Allergies/Skype Grizelda-yeast
Announcing yeast infection in front of class of 30 people.
Bikram Yoga cures yeast? Kegel=suction cup wrapped in saran wrap=vagina
“Air out the lyups”
dead cat
eating out at Fulton Zeeche song
More sylvia Shirley Robb coming to dinner soon?