
Drag Race Holland Season One Finale with Patty Pam-Pam

Get some exclusive behind the scenes T as the gorgeous and talented Patty Pam-Pam returns to GeOuweHoer to watch and comment on the Drag Race Holland Season One Finale with Fashion Sloerie (Insta: @FashionSloerie) and Madge Weinstein (Insta: @MadgeWeinstein, Twitter: @bloatedlesbian).

Please send feedback to us via Insta(@OverWhored), Twitter (@OverWhored), Email([email protected]), or you can even leave a voice mail at +1 FIRM UTERUS (yes, that’s a real number). Please review us on Apple Podcasts if you loved the show!

drag race holland season one finale with patty pam-pam

S01E05: Drag Race Holland GeOuweHoer (OverWhored) “Snatch Game”

The gorgeous and talented Roem joins us today for an exclusive interview while we watch and comment on episode 5 of Drag Race Holland. We talk about the jerk, the ribbon, and we discuss Roem’s gorgeous girlfriend, Faith Intervention. Please send feedback to us via Insta(@OverWhored), Twitter (@OverWhored), Email([email protected]), or you can even leave a voice mail at +1 FIRM UTERUS (yes, that’s a real number). Please review us on Apple Podcasts if you loved the show!