
S02E07 Drag Race Holland GeOuweHoer (OverWhored)

Fashion Sloerie and Madge Weinstein talk about this most EXCITING episode of Drag Race Holland. You will be glued to your headphones.


S02E04 Drag Race Holland GeOuweHoer (OverWhored)

Madge Weinstein and Fashion Sloerie discuss the Episode Four of the wonderful Drag Race Holland Season Two. Enjoy!


Reggy B Interviewed on S02E03 Drag Race Holland GeOuweHoer (OverWhored)

Listen to our interview with the lovely and talented Reggy B before Madge Weinstein and Fashion Sloerie watch Episode 3 of Season 2 Drag Race Holland with YOU… the audience!

berbacia clemons Chickens hagatha soundscapes

YR1531 The Mae-Trix

Hours of fun talk interspersed with songs by Mae West.

Show Notes:


Ma’MaQueen from Drag Race Holland Season One Interviewed on GeOuweHoer (OverWhored)

We are so proud of this in depth interview with this groundbreaking phenomenal queen known as Ma’MaQueen. We got to talk with her about her unique perspective on gender identity, and how she want to achieve a literal pregnancy and believes it’s possible! Her artistic vision is explored as is her fashion sense and favorite designers and artists. We learn about MaMaQueen’s many alter egos and how they are integrated into her drag and her life. Of course we discuss her controversial split personality runway and the transcendent episode where she dressed her father in drag… and made him pregnant! Ma’MaQueen spares nobody’s feelings when sharing her opinions on de jerk as well. So much here. This is a great interview of a really incredibly fantastic queen. Words don’t suffice.

Please send feedback to us via Insta(@OverWhored), Twitter (@OverWhored), Email(, or you can even leave a voice mail at +1 FIRM UTERUS (yes, that’s a real number). Please review us on Apple Podcasts if you loved the show! #dragraceholland #dragrace #rupaulsdragrace #mamaqueen #ma’maqueen #fredvanleer #overwhored #madgeweinstein #fashionsloerie #geouwehoer


Envy Peru – Winner of Drag Race Holland Season One Interviewed on GeOuweHoer (OverWhored)

Envy was a great guest. She gave us insight into how she became such a talented performer and artist in such a short amount of time. Envy talked about her influences from Peru and her Peruvian Pride.  She talked about her training as an actor and how she “fell” into drag. Also we briefly discussed her relationship and her future ideas about family.  

Of course, we also gave Envy an opportunity to respond to accusations from other contestants that perhaps she received a bit of “assistance” from production that help her to achieve the win. #dragraceholland #dragrace #rupaulsdragrace #envyperu #missenvyperu #fredvanleer 

Please send feedback to us via Insta(@OverWhored), Twitter (@OverWhored), Email(, or you can even leave a voice mail at +1 FIRM UTERUS (yes, that’s a real number). Please review us on Apple Podcasts if you loved the show!


Exclusive Post-Finale Interview with Miss Abby OMG from Drag Race Holland Season One

Miss Abby OMG joins Fashion Sloerie (Insta: @FashionSloerie) and Madge Weinstein (Insta: @MadgeWeinstein, Twitter: @bloatedlesbian) to share some exclusive T about Season one of Drag Race Holland. We talk about Abby’s technique and inspiration for performance, her multicultural background. We discuss how living in three different countries (Brazil, Spain, and Holland) influences her drag, her relationship with her fiancé and even a possible thrupple with Frank! Sederginne drama is also discussed as is the hypothetical Miss Congeniality, and much much more!

Please send feedback to us via Insta(@OverWhored), Twitter (@OverWhored), Email(, or you can even leave a voice mail at +1 FIRM UTERUS (yes, that’s a real number). Please review us on Apple Podcasts if you loved the show!


Drag Race Holland Season One Finale with Patty Pam-Pam

Get some exclusive behind the scenes T as the gorgeous and talented Patty Pam-Pam returns to GeOuweHoer to watch and comment on the Drag Race Holland Season One Finale with Fashion Sloerie (Insta: @FashionSloerie) and Madge Weinstein (Insta: @MadgeWeinstein, Twitter: @bloatedlesbian).

Please send feedback to us via Insta(@OverWhored), Twitter (@OverWhored), Email(, or you can even leave a voice mail at +1 FIRM UTERUS (yes, that’s a real number). Please review us on Apple Podcasts if you loved the show!

drag race holland season one finale with patty pam-pam

Chelsea Boy Interviewed on S01E07 Drag Race Holland GeOuweHoer (OverWhored) “Maxima – The Rusical”

The fabulous artist that is Chelsea Boy joins us today for eon exclusive interview before we watch and discuss episode 7 of Drag Race Holland. We talk about gender fluidity, growing up as the only gay in town, art, and many other topics. Also, what happened with the wig. Buy Chelsea Boy’s mercy and get a Cameo! Please send feedback to us via Insta(@OverWhored), Twitter (@OverWhored), Email(, or you can even leave a voice mail at +1 FIRM UTERUS (yes, that’s a real number). Please review us on Apple Podcasts if you loved the show!


Sederginne Intervieweed on S01E06: Drag Race Holland GeOuweHoer (OverWhored) “It Takes Two”

Incredible talent Sederginne joins us today (at around time code 1 hour) for an exclusive interview after we watch and comment on episode 6 of Drag Race Holland. We discuss the the controversies, the judging, the other queens, and the possibility of an International Drag Race All Stars! There is even some exclusive T on Sederginne’s mom! Please send feedback to us via Insta(@OverWhored), Twitter (@OverWhored), Email(, or you can even leave a voice mail at +1 FIRM UTERUS (yes, that’s a real number). Please review us on Apple Podcasts if you loved the show!