Madge takes a nice epsom salt bath with you, the gentle audience. Then she reads a nice letter from an Italian living in Amsterdam followed by some lovely Marx Brothers (side 2b) and a little surprise that isn’t that great.
Yesterday I attended this inspiring march and I present it here in it’s entirety, including all the walking and chants. I did this for two reasons: 1. I think this is an important piece of history and should be preserved as a matter of historical record. 2. It gives the listenturd the opportunity to listen to the soundscape of the march a feel like they are actually walking there with us. It’s a great experience. But if you just, want to hear certain speakers, you can use the chapter markers in most podcatchers such as Pocketcasts, which is the one I use.
Please visit and click the link to send an email to her lawyer to show support to the court.