all girls have periods bloat blood fart chery merkowski is ugly get fucked insane journalism Kimya Dawson lyps me and them girls Misc mostly Norm Augustinus Podcasts Press Rants sex education sit and bitch Stink and Bea Uncategorized zeeche

YR705 You(tube) Show is UGLAAAAY!

Kimya Dawson! The most inspiring music I’ve heard since I first heard Mr. Zeeche. Her music could change the world. (Thanks, Mikeypod)

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YR699 299?

I don’t know what this is. song at the end by David Cerda  from Poseidon – the one about mean girls.

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YR689 Do your LYYPS hang low OR I didn’t say nothing bout no gubment cheeyze!


special guest i persons!

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YR687 My Vagina My Vagina My Vagina

direct link


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YR669 Shitting, Betty, Ceven, and M(wh)ore!

Woman of Luna Madge Weinstein by Mr. Zeeche

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