comedy albums Old Time Radio ragan fox solo

YR1583 – EMERGENCY GRUM: No Freedom Unless You’re a Gun

Today Roe v. Wade was overturned. Madge reacts. Then she talks to Ragan Fox about it. Also a letter from Roger and side 3 of The Golden Age of Comedy.

Chickens grizelda hagatha Opera solo soundscapes

YR1578 Trophy Piss

Madge chats with Grizelda, Hagatha, the chickens, and herself interspersed with arias of the great Zinka Milanov.

  1. Couch rant
  2. Puccini: Gianni Schicchi: O mio bambino caro (all arias turday by Zinka Milanov)
  3. Walk rant
  4. Giordano: Andrea Cheniere: Act III La mamma morta 
  5. Grizelda
  6. Puccini: La Boheme: Act III: Addio del Mimi
  7. Hathathurd
  8. Puccini: Manon Lescaut: Act II: In quelle trine morbide
  9. Chickens
  10. Side 2, Including Verdi’s Otello Act IV: Canzone del slice; Ave Maria and Dvorak’s Ruskala: Act I: O Lovely moon
solo soundscapes

YR1575 My Chandelier Matters

Madge hodgepodges out with some Chickens and Zappa while opining on abortion and non binaries.

comedy albums solo

YR1573 Garbage Grum

Not her best work. Madge has an OCD audio attack, reads an annoying letter, then plays side two of Pigmeat Markham’s “Tune Me In.”

album art by John Werner
grizelda solo

YR1566 Disorderded Lesbian

Madge speaks a long solo grum disgusting everything that bothers her. Afterwards, she has a nice chat with the NYCMuncher, Grizelda.

Yeast Radio Episode 1566 Solo Grum and Grizleda
reading solo

YR1561 Communications

My last grum of the year includes a solo chat, a reading from Studs Terkel’s Working by Madge, and side two of “Lyndon Johnson’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.”

Yeast Radio Album art by John Werner

solo soundscapes

YR1547 Godaddy is Garbage

Madge takes a walk and complains about Godaddy and Antivaxxers.


YR1543 People Don’t Like to be Lectured to

Madge takes a bitchy walk and then visits the chickens.

Album art by John Werner
hagatha Old Time Radio Radio Plays solo

YR1538 Himbo Hate Stalking

First Madge walks solo and talks about her menopause clit, Drag Race Holland Season 2, DJ Ralphie Rosario having a street in Chicago, @stacyherbert virtual pee, board drama, and thank yous.
Then she talks to Hagatha about poppers danger, getting eaten out by a spastic, senile tooth loss, himbo hate, hate stalking, pelvic thrusting, bad hand jive instagram dance torture, diaper dancing, The High Hair Twins 🤢, Matt Gaetz hair, Hagatha’s hateful obsession with the disabled, Drag Syndrome, being gay in religious states, Horrible Person, speedy road trips on ephedrine, Hagatha’s blackmail attempt, “I have a hat”, El Paso is hell, and Hagatha sucking cousin Billy Ray’s dick, Incest in Marion IL. Finally, we have the a radio play starring Irene Dunne called, “White Cliffs of Dover.”

SEND SEX TIPS QUESTIONS TO [email protected] or call FIRM UTERUS.
Voice mail, text message, mp3, whatever you want.

@hagatha_taterbugs on instagram

album art by John Werner

Chickens hagatha Radio Plays solo

YR1533 Dark Side of the Lapse

Madge takes a lovely walk on a gorgeous day, then she talks with Hagatha about her stay/vaycation. Afterwards, Madge visits with the chickens and talks to Karen about them. Finally we get to hear Lana Turner in a radio play.