all girls have periods Amy Winehouse andy melton bloat Britney Spears CANNED HAM Cher Chris Crocker Depression election 2008 fat gay Goatsee insane kutwijf lesbian live show Live Stream me and them girls Morbid Obesity pnsexplosion Podcasts Politics Recesssion yeast nation

YR759 Don’t Tell Me Not to Prolapse!

Show Notes
Rain in my parade of consumerism.
with Cher, Andymelton, Twinkleboi

NY governor warns of ‘financial tsunami’
Subprime market losses total 7.7 trillion
Madonna sucks even more as directurd.

Also, I deep throat Twinkleboi’s penis via proxy.

Amy Winehouse ate up with dumb Big Brother blood fart Britney Spears Cher Chris Crocker kutwijf live show Live Stream Podcasts police brutality Politics Rants Robert Scoble sit and bitch Taterbugs yeast nation

YR756 New BrownShirts USA

Enjoy talking about pop culture while corporations form a huge alliance with the FBI to allow them to kill you during marshal law. Amy Winehouse is more important than global warming. Don’t worry.

bicyclemark boycott Britney Spears CANNED HAM climate change election 2008 fat fat people get fucked God don't like dumb Human Dog kutwijf live show Live Stream me and them girls Morbid Obesity Podcasts

YR743 It’s the Environment, Stupid!

guests: Bicyclemark and Chris Weagel

links from bicyclemark:
International Herald Tribune Audio News
NEwsdesk from the Guardian
Mixed Greens from EWG
Living Planet from DeutscheWelle,2142,3072,00.html

mona trotsky by fashion sloerie

“Mona Trotsky” by Fashion Sloerie

all girls have periods Big Brother bloat blood fart climate change death for a change fat people gay get fucked God don't like dumb insane journalism kutwijf lesbian lyps lyps flying me and them girls Misc mostly Podcasts sex education shitting shwhimp 2.99 sit and bitch Stink and Bea toilet

YR702 Cancel Christmas, Ruldolf has been Globally Warmed to Death

fuck off

all girls have periods FAQ get fucked horror insane kutwijf lesbian lyps lyps flying me and them girls Podcasts shitting Stink and Bea

YR696 Spoeliecast

Enma/Douche-cast in ingléz. Bloat me up beef whore you go go. Eat it.

all girls have periods amsterdam bicycling bloat insane kutwijf lyps lypsie russel me and them girls Podcasts Rants zeeche

YR689 Do your LYYPS hang low OR I didn’t say nothing bout no gubment cheeyze!


special guest i persons!

all girls have periods insane iran kutwijf lesbian lyps me and them girls mostly Podcasts rotterdam

YR688 MoLyps

 I would type better notes and tags but i’m busy masturdbating my vagina right nows.

direct link to yr688 


all girls have periods bloat insane iran journalism kutwijf lyps me and them girls mostly Podcasts rotterdam zeeche

YR687 My Vagina My Vagina My Vagina

direct link


all girls have periods amsterdam bloat kutwijf lesbian lypsie russel me and them girls mostly phone Podcasts Rants rotterdam sit and bitch

YR686 DON’T Call it Your Cousin from Red Bank New Jersey


rotting turds and ham

amsterdam bloat chery merkowski is ugly death for a change God don't like dumb journalism kutwijf lesbian lyps Mashup me and them girls mostly Podcasts Rants shwhimp 2.99 sit and bitch

YR683 Untittled

And also the smaller lyps…

direct link to media hereÂ