bloat blood fart Britney Spears CANNED HAM chery merkowski is ugly cheryl Chris Crocker clean blood Depression fat fat people get fucked Goatsee God don't like dumb horror lesbian live show Live Stream lyps lyps flying Max Keiser me and them girls Morbid Obesity Podcasts Prolapse Recesssion Robert Scoble schlyyyps sex education shwhimp 2.99 sit and bitch Stink and Bea Taterbugs ugly people yeast nation

YR777 Cheryl Merkowski and Andy Melton

If God don’t like ugly, How come he make it?

guests: Cheryl and Andy

chamber pot for shit

all girls have periods amsterdam Amy Winehouse andy melton bicyclemark bloat Britney Spears CANNED HAM Chris Crocker clean blood death for a change Depression election 2008 fat florida sucks get fucked Goatsee God don't like dumb insane Interviews kutwijf lesbian live show lyps lyps flying lypsie russel me and them girls Morbid Obesity mostly phone Podcasts Politics Prolapse Rachel Kann Robert Scoble schlyyyps Stink and Bea Taterbugs Travel Weight Guessing yeast nation

YR774 Hospital Closings and Aunties Galore

Bmark and I discuss US hospital closings and how creepy my audience is.
We try to reach Rapechel Kann

hospital closings yeast radio bicyclemark citizen reporter twice

Show Notes Below:

all girls have periods Amy Winehouse andy melton bicyclemark bloat blood fart Britney Spears CANNED HAM CAR chery merkowski is ugly cheryl Chris Crocker clean blood Depression election 2008 FAQ fat fat people gay get fucked Goatsee God don't like dumb horror Human Dog insane Interviews journalism keynote kutwijf lesbian Links live show Live Stream lyps lyps flying Macworld Keynote Max Keiser me and them girls Morbid Obesity Podblogging Podcasts Prolapse Prostitution Rants Recesssion Robert Scoble sex education shitting shwhimp 2.99 sit and bitch Stink and Bea Taterbugs toilet Weight Guessing yeast nation

YR763 There Will Be Lyps

This pogrum is longer than that dreadful movie, “There Will Be Blood.” Plus, it’s clean blood and cuntains Cheryl Merkowski, Max Keiser, Andy Melton, Auntie Vera, Chris Weagel, bicyclemark and other messes I think.

yeast radio fat girl

all girls have periods Amy Winehouse blood fart Britney Spears Chris Crocker election 2008 God don't like dumb Human Dog insane Links live show Live Stream me and them girls mostly Opera Podcasts Politics Prolapse Recesssion Robert Scoble sit and bitch Taterbugs yeast nation

YR760 Saudi Prince Bandar Pisses on Tony Blair and Possibly Threatens another 7/7

Chris Weagel is the guest.
We talk about everything, especially this:

Amy Winehouse ate up with dumb Britney Spears clean blood election 2008 fat fat people gay get fucked God don't like dumb live show Live Stream me and them girls Morbid Obesity Norm Augustinus pnsexplosion Robert Scoble Stink and Bea Weight Guessing yeast nation

YR755 Too Many Potato Chips, Big Pants, and Norm Augustinus’ Invention!

Fat people have bad nutrition then get murdered at the Lane Bryant.
also str8 chris is a guest, but not on purpose.

Norm invented a toaster and it’s genius!

Madge yells at people for being stupid and especially at people who talk about Amy Winehouse. She’s dirty inside.

all girls have periods andy melton ate up with dumb bloat Britney Spears CANNED HAM Cher clean blood election 2008 get fucked God don't like dumb Human Dog lesbian live show Live Stream Morbid Obesity mostly pnsexplosion Prolapse schlyyyps shwhimp 2.99 sit and bitch Stink and Bea Weight Guessing

YR747 Jumbo Jet/Big Pants/Dark Lady/Coca Cola and a VERY SPECIAL SURPRISE!

a very special surprise guest at the end of this pogrum… but dont’ skip ahead to find him/her/it!

guests include:
Andy Melton
Chris Weagel
John Edwards
Nancy Pelosi


bicyclemark boycott Britney Spears CANNED HAM climate change election 2008 fat fat people get fucked God don't like dumb Human Dog kutwijf live show Live Stream me and them girls Morbid Obesity Podcasts

YR743 It’s the Environment, Stupid!

guests: Bicyclemark and Chris Weagel

links from bicyclemark:
International Herald Tribune Audio News
NEwsdesk from the Guardian
Mixed Greens from EWG
Living Planet from DeutscheWelle,2142,3072,00.html

mona trotsky by fashion sloerie

“Mona Trotsky” by Fashion Sloerie

all girls have periods andy melton ate up with dumb blood fart cheryl clean blood election 2008 fat people get fucked God don't like dumb horror lyps me and them girls Podcasts Prolapse shwhimp 2.99 sit and bitch Stink and Bea toilet

YR726 Rosebuuuud

with guests:
CHeryl Prolapse
Wanda Wisdom
Ali MyVagina
Andy Melton


apple blood fart get fucked God don't like dumb iphone lesbian Norm Augustinus Pig Guts with Yeast Podcasts Prolapse Prostitution Rants shitting

YR714 Luudecris Man-Bortions

Are Christians retarded?

Norm Agustinus with Shopping Mall Shoot-Up Survival lessons.

and porn.

all girls have periods andy melton bloat blood fart chery merkowski is ugly fat fat people get fucked God don't like dumb horror insane Interviews lyps lyps flying me and them girls mostly Podcasts Prostitution shwhimp 2.99 sit and bitch Stink and Bea ugly people

YR704 At least when I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, I don’t see Cheryl Merkowski.

Madge and Cheryl disgust their holidays.
Show notes by Enzo Sant’Elia: