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YR909 Abdominal Orgasms and Andy’s Thank You For Holding

 Cheryl’s ugly

Andy’s thank you for holding.
Penis fungus
JayT‘s Penus 
Andy’s pants for the 800th time
New guest- Chub Chaser Chris
Chaffing on the F’Andy
A-VER + F’Andy’s RV Talk
Carlos’ abdominal orgasms
Song by Amy Abdou 

How to have an abdominal orgasm and m(whore)

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YR908 Kitchen Cleanin’ and Poopin’ Sheets

Live kitchen cleaning in Madge’s apartment with special guest John Pee. Also a precious story entitled,  “The Impotent Scatter.”

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YR907 Eat Yeast Crunchy

with Rachel Kann and F’Andy later on.

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YR906 STD Blow Out Special with LYPS

PREP returns to be interviewed by CHeryl MerkowskAIDS.
cheryl calls the HPV Hotline about her WORTS, LAPSE, and LYPS.

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YR905 Tzipi Livni and her Chrome Egg

Cheryl and I interview Tzipi Livni about the Chrome Egg she stores in her anus when she’s at press cuntfrences.

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YR904 Grizelda in Davos

Grizelda talks about her participation in the economic summit in Davos. Carlos visits as does Andaids and Rilch. Who cares?


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YR903 I don’t know what to call this Eat Yeast

Rachel and AndAIDZ bore me to death while I binge on ranch. 

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YR902 A Meeting of the Mines

Cheryl AND Aunturd Vera on the same pogrom for the first time! LIsten as YOUR AUNTIE kisses Cheryl’s ass by not calling her a dried fig even once.

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YR901 PrEP Queen- Bug Chaser or Purist?

A very special yeast including a secret guest who candidly discusses why he has been taking a full HIV cocktail for months, even though he’s HIV Negative!

“Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snow lies the seed that with the meth queen in the spring becomes the AIDS.”

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YR900 The Law of Yeast

Rapechel and Madge disgust cuntjuiceness and there is also a cameo appearance by one.

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