Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:46:30 — 48.8MB)
Today’s pogrom cuntains Human Dog, Bicylemark, and a new person, Brian. It’s a good grum. We discuss important things for real this time.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:46:30 — 48.8MB)
Today’s pogrom cuntains Human Dog, Bicylemark, and a new person, Brian. It’s a good grum. We discuss important things for real this time.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:25:27 — 39.2MB)
prollin prollin prollin
prollin on in
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:06:26 — 30.9MB)
must post now
fun fun time
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:21:42 — 37.5MB)
guests: Bicyclemark and Chris Weagel
links from bicyclemark:
International Herald Tribune Audio News http://www.iht.com/
NEwsdesk from the Guardian http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/podcasts/
Mixed Greens from EWG http://enviroblog.org/mixedgreens/
Living Planet from DeutscheWelle http://www.dw-world.de/dw/0,2142,3072,00.html
“Mona Trotsky” by Fashion Sloerie
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00:25 — 55.3MB)
fuck off
Podcast: Play in new window | Download ()
show notes by Enzo Sant’Elia
Lesbian throat clearing.
Excuse me, ‘scuse me, ‘scuse me.
Liswood/Tylor clips.
The shittiest opening ever.
Madge’s fistula hurts.
Madge hasn’t been in the mood to do a show.
The novelty of travel has worn off. Madge can’t wait to get home to
prolapse and masturbate her vagina.
Madge has a burst blood vessel in her cornea so she can’t put her
academics on to do the next Ax Madge.
Checking Twitter.
No Fuel Day? How about Get Fucked Day?
Chicago, Madge’s favorite city; Holland, Madge’s favorite country.
From the BBC: flood threats in Holland and Britain.
Gails and lesbians.
1/3 of the landmass in Holland is under sea level.
Who cares about Britain?
Madge thinks the writers’ strike is important. Fiction writers play a
key role during times of crisis.
Madge shoots water up her ass and all she gets is one comment.
It’s your fault that Madge can’t breathe.
Lyps lyps lyps lyps lyps lyps lyps lyps lyps.
Insurance companies now offering VIP disaster protection that yields
selective firefighting in disaster-ridden communities.
Madge gets the blues when someone she knows is about to die or
when—nevermind, she can’t think of anything clever.
Toys that get you high and kill kids. We don’t care where our toys
come from as long as they’re cheap.
Twitter/Facebook are sorry excuses for socialization.
Ignoring Facebook application requests.
If you’re bored, you’re boring.
Madge is Tina Yothers.
Reading a blog
posting about HAVA.
Thanks to MikeyPod for finding
the music for the last video Madge put out.
Madge doesn’t support the troops who kill because some moron in the
White House tells them to. She supports the troops that stand up for
themselves and take risks.
Jan Schakowsky is sponsoring an anti-Blackwater bill to stop
outsourcing security.
Madge is not impressed with Bareback Obama.
Madge reads right-wing blogs.
Weather Channel founder, John Coleman, calls global warming “greatest
scam in history” (herstory?)
Madge pees standing up, some sort of technical malfunction while doing so.
Consider Coleman’s idiocy when you decide whom to patronize when
getting your weather information.
Leopard is not that bad overall.
Email Madge at bloated
lesbian at gmail dot com or leave a comment at 206-888-CUNT.
Get fucked.
Apologizing for Texafornia’s clip.
Dr. Liswood extended remix. 500,000,000 sperm are ejaculated in each