berbacia clemons Chickens soundscapes

YR1530 Love and Shove

Madge does a quick solo after checking in with the chickens. Madge discusses the new book by Viola Voltairine, 150 Years of Gynarchy. Then she chats with Berbacia about some fun topics. Madge asks Berbacia, “Am I racist?”

berbacia clemons grizelda hagatha

YR1529 Quelle Surprise!

Today’s very special show includes the return of one of the most widely requested Yeast stars of all time: BERBACIA CLEMONS!

Before that, however, you get to hear from Grizelda and Hagatha, who both have some fascinating tales turd tell.

berbacia clemons bloat Britney Spears CANNED HAM clean blood fat people iphone ipod touch lesbian Morbid Obesity Perfectly Normal Pig Guts with Yeast Podcasts Prolapse Robert Scoble shwhimp 2.99 Weight Guessing yeast nation

YR887 You Want a Piece of Meat.

featuring Berbacia Clemons and some fine singin’, readin’, and carryin’ on.

Advice berbacia clemons Goatsee me and them girls napodpomo Perfectly Normal yeast nation

YR880 1000 Reasons to Leave Your Lover with BERBACIA CLEMONS!

You read it right. Berbacia Clemons is back and she da man! PRAISE HER! OK?

berbacia clemons Podcasts

YR268 Hollywood Hills and Hollywood Whores Soundseeing with Berbacia Clemons

LOVE the Berbacia Clemons!

This whore is cRaZy! She went OFF!

another rachel kann song at the end