
YR1621 Fat Having and Turd Zeldas

Grizelda joins Madge for some having of obesity. Also side two of “Trust Me” starring Hans Petersen as Pres. Carter.

album art by Taylor H.
solo zeeche

YR1620 Avocados in My Vagina

Mr. Zeeche is back with a new song for Madge. Also various messed up sounds.


YR1619 Madge Weinstein’s Lesbian Drag Queen Storytelling: Indictment Edition

MAGA can’t read. That’s why they banned drag queen story hour. Not to worry. Madge Weinstein of Yeast Radio is here to read the latest Trump Indictment to all of you illiterate MAGAs. Enjoy Madge’s weekly podcast, Yeast Radio. Since 2004!

The video for this ITEM can be watched on

Album Art by Taylor H.



Madge is sad and mourns the death of Sinead O’Connor. Also, why bucket lists are stupid.

comedy albums Max Keiser RetroGrum

YR1617 RetroGrum™

Two old clips from 2004 and 2005. One is Madge solo in Boca Raton. The other is an interview with Max Keiser in 2005. He talks about he and Stacy’s Karmabanque concept. Lastly, we have side two of the Capital Steps from 1988’s “Working’ 9 to 10.” Our current president is even parodied in this comedy album! This grum is a multi-time capsule.

Album Art by Taylurd
comedy albums solo

YR1616 Imagine Dragqueens

Madge complains about a lot of stuff followed by The Capital Steps’ “Workin 9 to 10” from 1988, Side 1.

Album art by John Werner
comedy albums solo

YR1615 The Tunnel’s Crowded

Madge is solo and exhausted again. Also side 2 of Severn Darden at the Second City Cabaret in Chicago, 1961.

Album art by Taylor H.
comedy albums Roger Smalls solo

YR1614 Bloat from the Underground

After a two week vacation, Madge returns with her inner dialogue and a letter from Roger Smalls about the submarine, followed by terrible voice messages from Ragan and then a real treat: side one of “The Sound of My Own Voice and Other Noises” by Severn Darden at the Second City. Recorded in 1961 at The Second City Cabaret in Chicago.

Madge Weinstein as Rihanna advertising Louis Vuitton
Album art by Taylor H.
Opera solo

YR1613 Cumboocha

Lesbian is tired. Solo grum followed by side six of Lily Pons.

Album Art by Tayulurd
Opera solo

YR1612 Big Wheel Done Stopped Turnin’

A solo grum wherein Madge is over lots of things. Also side 5 of Lily Pons.

Album Art by John Werner