
YR1628 From the River to the Sea… Eat My Ass Out

A nice solo grum in which Madge goes mad.

Album Art by Taylor Haggerty Faggerty™

GPT Summary:
The Yeast Radio episode 1628 is a blend of humor, personal reflections, and socio-political commentary. The host, with their distinct comedic flair, delves into the complexities of the Israel-Palestine conflict, touches upon anti-Zionism, and reflects on Jewish identity. They also discuss academic and social media culture, intertwining these topics with personal anecdotes. The episode’s tone is a mix of serious discussion and light-hearted humor, offering listeners an engaging and thought-provoking experience.

7 replies on “YR1628 From the River to the Sea… Eat My Ass Out”


I feel like I just had a long stimulating conversation, and sort of want to write a way longer thing to fill in my side of it.

The technical difficulties part at the beginning is like a ritual at this poink, a trial by fire after which the remaining listeners are rewarded by a thoughtful & funny soliloquy and the music/cycling is just fantastic!

I hope to meet or have a real conversation with you some day. Happy Holidays ????????????????

That’s a good quote from Joni Mitchell about writers block. Joni didn’t know there’s another option, tho. Instead of writing about your feelings, you can just eat over them, instead.

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