Ninja Opera

YR1609 TERFin’ with the Girls

Ninja joins Madge for a nice lesbian chit chat wherein Ninja defends Buck Angel, and then they discuss the official lesbian position on artificial intelligence and other matters. Then, side 2 of Lily Pons: Coloratura Assoluta!

6 replies on “YR1609 TERFin’ with the Girls”

I hear your thoughts on AI being the doom of humans, but I’d like to propose a thought on what could also happen. I think AI will look around at humans and see them as useless and helpless, and be totally uninterested in humans. And they’ll realize the Earth is in peril, but AI is much more equipped for traveling through space than humans. They don’t need food, water or oxygen. I think AI will build a rocket, put its knowledge into a hard drive, maybe take a few worker robots, and blast off into space to look for a better planet. And then humans will be back where they started.

Just as “wood burning” shouldn’t qualify as sustainable, nuclear is also not environmentally safe. Consider, we – humans- do not have a proven safe way to store nuclear waste that all powerplants produce. What have we been doing? Burying it! Putting it in caves and storage spaces and trying to keep humans away from it and unsuccessfully trying to stop it from leaking into ground water and soil in general. This is not how i want to live, declaring parts of the world as dumps and hoping no one goes there or that none of the radiation leaks out. Also economically, not that i think this is the most important thing, the cost of nuclear is extreme, kills budgets and makes it impossible to open new plants regardless of size. But again for me it’s the danger of radiation that i simply can’t accept now or for the future.

I see that Mark. Nuclear waste is the bigger problem and one we as a species are have to worry about for hundreds of thousands of years. Even if we stop using nuclear power today.

[…] Ninja defends Buck Angel and Madge defends Dave Chapelle . Madge doesn’t see the point of fanning the flames of the culture wars.  Ninja frets about her powerlessness over the existential threats facing humanity. Those threats include AI, climate change, and nuclear destruction. adge imagines in a thought experiment that she could be the only conscious being in the universe.   We discuss the ethics of using AI to create a show where Joe Rogan interviews Madge.  Madge likes that idea and asserts that we could use AI to subvert the messages of Donald Trump.  Check out the Madge’s version of this show at YR1609. […]

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