ragan fox voice mails

YR1588 Under Duress

Madge and Ragan have a long discussion about the Inflation Reduction Act then listen to 52 minutes of unabridged Thorek Hospital voice mails from the 1990’s.

comedy albums grizelda hagatha

YR1587 Melting Drag Queens and Compounding Fat

Grizelda joins Madge for an obesity update followed by a roach update from Hagatha. Finally, Side 1 of “Spaghetti Sauce and Other Delights” by Pat Cooper.

Album Art by John Werner
hagatha Pride48

YR1586 Pride 48 Live Grum 2022

The Hag joins Madge for the annual Pride48 live stream. They discuss Hagatha’s roach friends as well as many other fascinating topics. Afterwards, hear side 2 of “Sing Along with JFK.”