clean blood Tampon Tammy

YR1414 Random and Tampon

Random Madge babbles for  a while and then Tampon Tammy joins for some abortive reflections and thoughts on terrorism.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

One reply on “YR1414 Random and Tampon”

Tampon’s fear of the Caravan is a REAL FEAR. Dirty, gross, nasty rapists, murderers and their pregnant whores are trying to invade our Great Country to pilfer it of its benefits retarded liberals throw at them. The Caravan is a REAL THREAT. But after that gas attack against those dirty bastards(serves them right), most of them have either decided to return home or seek temporary work in Tijuana. Fake news obviously won’t report the stunning failure of their plan, from triumphant jubilation that they arrived in Tijuana, to the smiling faces of people entering the Asylum offices, to the frowning upset looks of defeat. Thanks to Trump’s No-nonsense agenda(Obama would have greeted them at the border and let them in, bastard), we have taken a violent attack on our border and turned it into success!

This grum really brought back some great reminders of when your show used to be REALLY good, with the Queen of Vagina clips and Sylvia and her ANGELS (CHRIIIIIS). My absolute favorite clip of hers you ever did was “Let’s talk about being dark, not good.” LOVE THIS SO MUCH!I actually remain one of the few people Majela continues to talk to to this day. She has completely removed herself from Youtube, Twitter, all Social Media, due to starting a new serious job. We had actually exchanged private emails with each other before she went away. I let her know you played her clips and she told me maybe one day she will return and she wants to Gangbang Donald Trump with Michelle and Obama’s big dickie.

Again, the invitation is open to have a conversation with me about politics and how I can have such an extremely RIGHT political view as a faggot.

Please continue to play more Majela clips, especially when stupid Debbie is talking to one of her idiot, redneck, sister fucking boyfriends. Those calls are always so boring, I fast forward them until Madge or Churyl play clips.bThe more you piss that bitch off, the more likely she’ll be to leave the show, a dream come true for most of your listenturds!

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