
YR1396 Free Drones; Expensive Healthcare

Thank God the DRONES  are free!
Madge takes Trotsky for a walk and complains about Healthcare, Susan Bee Anthony, Roseanne, etc.


By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

5 replies on “YR1396 Free Drones; Expensive Healthcare”

It won’t make things better but keep in mind this shitty healthcare / making things difficult that goes well beyond the US. I’ve been to many countries where even if it is “free” it’s shit and people don’t get what they need. Here in the Netherlands they live this private – public mix where basically doctors try to never ever give you anything so basically I could be on the verge of a terminal illness and these fucks wouldn’t want to know about it. — the issue goes beyond American healthcare shitty as it is– it’s healthcare as a business. A human beings wellness should not be seen as a market opportunity.
Love the grum always mayuge. I often feel exactly as you do about everything.

I want more solo grums! And more doody squirts when Shithead Debbie talks. Your healthcare schtick gets a little old. It’s nice that you suffer from cluster headaches, but we want relatable stories, like talk about Gummy Trotsky or record his doodies. Talk more about how Stupid Debbie is an idiot and bring back the cycling!!!!! Also, add me on Instagram and add me to the Inner Circle, your petty grudge is getting old. I’m over it, you should be too.

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