Big Brother chery merkowski is ugly lyps Norm Augustinus Podcasts Rachel Kann ragan fox yeast nation

YR1055 What about her vagina?

A live show started out as a conversation with me and Rachel and then Ragan Fox and Norm Augustinus joined in! wew.

CLICK HERE TO PLAY (with my clit)

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

39 replies on “YR1055 What about her vagina?”

u started talking bout Oprah and the recording cut off…
🙁 also, hope Steryl’s vagina heals soon 🙂 and Norm Augustinus was
great! lots of content in the form of thoughts and stuff w/ him
like 🙂 u should cut the first 12min tho.

V.G. Loved hearing the Maiden/Mother/Cronecast again. You
gals shine when you’re together. nnnnnnNEatburd!

Yeastie- you are right about the 1st 12 min but I don’t like to cut stuff out unless it’s total dead air (which i did cut out btw).

when is the oprah problem? i diidn’t notice that?

KirkJ- Fuck you. I like Rachel on and so do a lot of my audience just not mostly the live audience. It was a mistake having her on the LIVE show, not the show show, but it’s all cheryl’s fault regardless.

thanks for defending me Madge. that was kind. i appreciate
it. i really don’t think it’s an issue of live vs prerecorded, i
think its just that i have reached a point in my life where being
consistently belittled and insulted just makes me sort of
dissociate and check out mentally and emotionally. i am not
complaining and i am not portraying myself as some kind of victim
or martyr. This is my bullshit, and my problem, nobody else is to
blame, and I am getting the help I need. Everyone needs to be
themselves and do their thing, express themselves in their own way;
I certainly don’t want anyone to tiptoe around me. I just need to
commit to letting you know that if I am on the show again, I can’t
hold my tongue, I will go off and retaliate on anyone who insults
me in kind. Also – I found you to be completely friendly and
respectful toward me – so thanks. When it was just me and you
talking it seemed to be going well. I have no problem with you
cutting me out of this ep if that’s what you want to do. I think
its painful and horrible too. It’s no fun for me or anyone else
listen to me be a pathetic punching bag. Thanks for trying to do a
show with just me. And thanks for giving a shit about me enough to
ask me what I was working on artistically. Even though it was so
fucking boring to talk about even I knew it. As I said, I have no
one to blame but myself. After this episode, I went into an even
further tailspin of self loathing. I fucking hate myself and I
fully understand why the listeners here hate me to. Bye,

The grum ends abruptly at 3:30:22. i would imagine that
there’s not much talking left tho. *Rachel was so lovely + rly
enjoyed the episode w/ her & her brother, too. ^^

Hi Madge! I was so surprised at how much I enjoyed a show
EVEN WITHOUT CHERYL! Great show. Ragan is awesome, Rachel is
hilarious, and Norm had lots to say. He doesn’t agree with you
politically though. I think it’s great that you have him on your
show anyway. I especially LOVED when Rachel got sad and left.

I like the Rapechel, it was good to hear her on the grum
again. I used to think Norm Augustinus was performing and/or
putting on some kind of crazy act with his wild shit. After hearing
him on this grum, I think he is genuinely insane. He’s
entertaining, though. As others have commenturd, this episode cut
off for me as you and Norm were discussing Oprah. It just went
completely out. I thought maybe my download didn’t finish through
the iTurds but the file I downloaded is comparable in size to what
you have listed on this site. Also – girdle.

I enjoyed the show. Hadn’t heard Norm talk before, what a
character. The treatment of Rachael was a little unpleasant on
occasion though.

What an awful fucking mess this show was. Ragan’s sheer
nastiness was far worse that Rachels lack of exciting content. What
an utter pile of shit that was. Fucking whores.

licoricepirate + Luis – Rachael is clearly a very fragile
human being and little consideration is made for her weaknesses as
a person (at least by you). Her failings are sometimes exploited
for the purposes of humor during the show. Maybe that’s okay, maybe
it isn’t. Humor often comes from that place I think, so it’s not
entirely black and white. Realistically she’s right though. She
shouldn’t appear on the show anymore because it is not useless or
helpful for her to do so. A persons time on the show should be fun,
not leave them feel like shit.

Norman is amazing. I can’t tell if he’s goofing or not.
I was hoping you’d ask who the woman on his podcast is. I love how he slows her voice down so she sounds retarded.

Maybe if Ms. Kann weren’t so unlikeable and hubris-filled she could forego the disingenuous shock and depression at how she’s treated GIRDLE.

Martyr? … where the hell did you pull that from?

I like it when Rachael makes an appearance. This show
doesn’t always have to be about shit or Sylvia Brown or even
Cheryl. As for people saying she is boring or doesn’t have alot to
offer all I can say is have you ever been live on a grum having to
come up with content? I haven’t but I bet its hard as

In true “Yeast” form – nothing more than a parade of
asshole blabbering on about themselves – minus the shovelful of
dooty …

Cher – I agree. Norm was fascinating. He seems to have a
very unique way about him and was difficult to read on first pass.
I found the fishing conversation really amusing.

I love when miss Rapechel comes on the show. Fuck those
haters. If they want something to hate, hate the last half of the
show when it was just Madge and Norm. Don’t bring Norm back, bring
Rapechel, Miss Fox, Andy Melturd and Cheryl all on the same show.
That’s a great dynamic. c’mooon

I listen to this as a form of self torture – please keep
this intolerable pile of shit coming ! Bring on the Cheryl

Don’t hate on Rachel! I think she makes for great
podcasting, but I agree she wasn’t quite true to form, she’s indeed
better when not on a crowded live-show, where she hardly got a word
in edgewise (which is not a good thing). I mean go listen to the
show with her and her brother from last August, or the last
Rachel-Ragan-double-show from March 2010, or the brilliant, *long*
show back in September 2008, and so on and so forth. It’s just a
different format compared to the (now, unfortunately) usual
prolapse-and-Sylvia-Liveshow, and I encourage Madge to indulge in
that more serious kind of show every now and again. I liked it!
Thanks, Madge. And I love Rachel!

Here is my updated vocabulary list: A slut is a person who gets only pleasure from sex, a whore gets monetary or social gain from it as well. A prostitute is just a business title.

I think Norm is K-r-a-Z-y, wow. That was weird how he mouthed off to Rachel and then later repeatedly asked Madge to “fix” it. Norm’s still interesting to listen to, however.

Norm: “A woman cried in front of me and said all she wants is to be loved.”
Madge: “Is that when you stabbed her in the face?!”

I think Rachel is a delight. And I hope she knows she is adored by many here. Ragan is fun, too, but on a more snarky level.

Rachel, you are too good for this childish crap. I only listen to this show when you’re on. I hope you don’t put yourself through this bull again.

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