Wanda Wisdom yeast nation

Yeast Radio 1034 You May Now Enjoy Your Gulf FEESH

another Madge Weinstein solo grumm. Very nice. very nice. just for turday.


By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

6 replies on “Yeast Radio 1034 You May Now Enjoy Your Gulf FEESH”

that cough/hack/vommit/phlegism thing was absolutely disgusting.

poor trotsky puts up with so much, he is golden!

Vera has a new dog last spring, Eunice, named after some Streisand-role from the 70s.
and I’d vote for Ragan as Wanda’s ETHS-replacement (once he gets out of that prison from hell). or the wonderful Rachel Kann. Or Ceven.
Just in case Wanda really doesn’t want to continue that show. as long as it’s nobody from FOF…

The US Big brother has FEESH in the house?
No way! Let’s go get one guys! You go to my lapse & intoxicate my feesh with your girdle. GRRDLE

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