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YR981 Blaque Friday Special Feat. Precious, Rilch, Bicyclemark, StripclubDJ, and Bon’qUe’Sh’A McJackson!

In post turkaids spectaculard, Cheryl and I host a variety of peoples, including the Bicyclemork from Amsterdam, StripclubDJaids from Wiscoonsin, and Bon’QuE’Sh’A McJackson from the mustard and turnip greens. You will mostdef NOT lique this blaque showgrum. Sorry. ALSO: A very special panty poop from ANDERSON COOPER of CNN!

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31 replies on “YR981 Blaque Friday Special Feat. Precious, Rilch, Bicyclemark, StripclubDJ, and Bon’qUe’Sh’A McJackson!”

I enjoy the roundtable/hallucination quality of these recent grums.
The music and sound drops coming out of nowhere without warning overwhelming the discussion. I like that your black guests’ names have gotten to the point where I cannot attempt to spell her name. BicycleMark should’ve stayed on longer and gotten into a larger discussion on the Trouble in the Philippines. He faded out during the chaos too soon.

I really like the Precious clips. I find them extremely funny. I don’t understand the liberal outrage over this movie. Listing to Monique yell comes across obviously as acting and extremely over the top. Why would anyone take this movie seriously?

Cheryl should be permanently doped up during all appearances.

To add even more technical complexity, you should switch to It would allow you to load video clips and mix them in during the show.


Shorter shows = more comments???? Not hatin , just wantz turd say that you could listen for 20 minutes and find sumthin 2 comment about. It is intimidating to start a 3 hr grum if thats what you mean in this time strapped society. But I like the grums so I listen turd whole things cylces and all. Shit comment on the cycles, comment on how long it is like ya did …comments are good.

The African nation of Uganda is weighing a bill that would impose the death penalty on HIV positive men who have committed what it calls “aggravated homosexuality.

“[The] legislator that introduced the bill, a guy named David Bahati, is a member of The Family,” he said. “He appears to be a core member of The Family”

Under current Ugandan law, homosexuality is a crime punishable by life in prison. The proposed law would not just condemn HIV positive gay men and “repeat offenders” to death, it would also jail for three years anyone who knows a gay man but refuses to report them to authorities. Further, anyone who defends in public the rights of gays and lesbians would be subjected to a seven year prison term.

The missionMARYS back in the starvation/ overpopulation days taught anal sex as a birth control…now dealing with the HIV and all that stigma with the gays causing it..

Great cast, Madge Cheryl, Ragan Fox, Badkeesha McDonalds, BicycleMark, Weigel, Stripclubdeej, and Oprah/Gayle/Enney.

The monologues from Precious were too frequent and violent to mesh well.

i thought stripclubdj wuz good, but a) too bad he is not geigh and b) he should show us his cock anywayz…very sexaids voice! Aids ++ grumm

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