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YR919 Yeast Video of Madge and John Pee Eating Obesely with Cheryl Hallucinating

This grum was fun but ustream only records the host’s video. So in this recording of the live stream, you cannot see the youtube videos we overlaid on the thing. I guess next time I’ll use cam twist. Anyway here’s the grum.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

13 replies on “YR919 Yeast Video of Madge and John Pee Eating Obesely with Cheryl Hallucinating”

I just figured out why I was previously unable to connect during your live broadcasts!

I hope to be online the next time you are broadcasting live. You need more hot straight men on your show like me.

Amazing grum lawl.

Favorite porks are around 54:27 and 1:08:10.

One good quotek:
“I mean CLEARLY, CLEARLY i enjoy pooping my own panny. But cleaning the panny of a blaque woman who is overweight and CLEARLy eats way too much cause she’s rich… it doesn’t make any sense. U know? One day she said HONEY, Im a rich woman and I’m hungry. Lets go food eat. And u know what we did? We ate we ate for 3 hrs straight and she pooped so much that her panny BROKE in two while we were eating. I’m so sorry, it hurt me at the time, but later on… i pleasured myself to the thought of her pooping panny incident. YES YES YES YES YES. WOWOWOWOOWWOWOW Honey Honey Honey Honey.”

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