cheryl clean blood Podcasts

YR824 Special Independance Day Sharting Special

In honour of our country’s independence from the rule of tyrants… with special ed guest Cheryl Merkowski.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

4 replies on “YR824 Special Independance Day Sharting Special”

i like hearing cheryl. this show is nice. i hope that you had a nice 4th of July in the land of the free, freedom for viacom to know peoples pornography habits.

Cheryl, was that a reference of me baybay…
bitch you tripin. i ain’t copyin you (may be a little). i was merely talkin whorenese…

and Madge quit pullin a Cheryl, postin a grum once a month (if we’re lucky). i love you but i’m too jewy to cuntribute ;). was that offensive enough? good… just kiddin, not really. twice.

ok, i really should lay off the diet soda… it might be the assburgers… who knows…

p.s. i know i’m dumb. so don’t bother.
p.s.s. love jew both honaids.

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