The thing is, the Eye Ball was false and made of wood, which would’ve been very uncomfortable to both the wearer and the audience.
The Hairlipped girl was retarded.
I don’t see how Madge can talk about a wooden eye when she is known to have such a peculiar WOODEN HAND.
Actually Madge, Sony released an update for the PSP 2000, which has Skype as part of the system’s software. The PSP has a well working web browser and it uses Wi-Fi and you can download things directly into the PSP’s Memory Stick Pro Duo. The PSP 2000 costs $180. However, to use Skype you need to get PSP 2000 Remote Control, which comes with some headphones, and a PSP headset. The Remote costs $20, on Amazon, and the Headset is either $15 or $20. I haven’t used Skype on the PSP yet so I’m not sure how well it works. I don’t know if this is more affordable than all those VOIP Phones, but I thought it worth to mention. Ugh, this comment sounded so commercial.
Love your shows, hope you keep getting paid for your art.
Just do the casting shit with MTV! ya whore!
I agree with Justin, just bite the bullet and do the casting. You need the publicity – I want you to be huge! I want to see your face on t-shirts and mugs.
6 replies on “YR769 Do you hear me then?”
The thing is, the Eye Ball was false and made of wood, which would’ve been very uncomfortable to both the wearer and the audience.
The Hairlipped girl was retarded.
I don’t see how Madge can talk about a wooden eye when she is known to have such a peculiar WOODEN HAND.
Actually Madge, Sony released an update for the PSP 2000, which has Skype as part of the system’s software. The PSP has a well working web browser and it uses Wi-Fi and you can download things directly into the PSP’s Memory Stick Pro Duo. The PSP 2000 costs $180. However, to use Skype you need to get PSP 2000 Remote Control, which comes with some headphones, and a PSP headset. The Remote costs $20, on Amazon, and the Headset is either $15 or $20. I haven’t used Skype on the PSP yet so I’m not sure how well it works. I don’t know if this is more affordable than all those VOIP Phones, but I thought it worth to mention. Ugh, this comment sounded so commercial.
Love your shows, hope you keep getting paid for your art.
Just do the casting shit with MTV! ya whore!
I agree with Justin, just bite the bullet and do the casting. You need the publicity – I want you to be huge! I want to see your face on t-shirts and mugs.
Who it belong to, Madge?
Who it belong to?