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YR764 Inturdvention

Mess. Guests include Grizelda and Cher.

We try to help Andy Melton.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

4 replies on “YR764 Inturdvention”

jesux christ, grizelda’s giving up on a 4 mile run because of some snow is such HALF ASSED BS. now I’m hating that him/her/it. If a yeasty madge can go biking in the chicago winter, grizelda bear can prance around a park.

ok. I was listening to your show as I was going to sleep. Missed it that she ran it herself. Rule 1 of endurance athletes is you are more important than everyone else. Tell everybody else that there’s no race so you can run it yourself and win.

Cycling will tighten your hamstrings, so doing yoga to stretch things out is perfect. You are a balanced person for doing both. Most people have to be told to do yoga to help them with muscle issues. Being a lesbian, you are smart enough to figure that out yourself.

Ur right that the best way to get andy skinny and happy is to get him out and about. I lived in Tennessee as a kid and some people there are so fat and they wear Nascar shirts, they look like a car.

Can Andy email me? I talk with him and see if I can help. Studies show that the best way to lose weight is to get friends that are skinnier than you. Family and diet attempts don’t work as well as friends. Texafornia at the gmails.

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