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YR749 Margeritarded and Marvin Hamlish

I’m too lazy to look up how to spell Hamlish. Who gives a crap?

show notes:

10:51 freshking : ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn
10:53 yeastradio : Video not turned on yet
10:54 freshking : retailation diss
10:55 yeastradio : speak english
10:56 freshking : who
10:56 margueritetarde : Hello there!
10:56 freshking : retailation diss
10:57 thejeffreytaylor : I don’t see nothin’
10:57 miss_taffy : I had forgotton about the quick-e-queen movie with the fiesta in the background
10:57 yeastradio : Video not turned on yet
10:57 freshking : look up
10:57 margueritetarde : simmer down.. it’s hallpen
10:57 thejeffreytaylor : Mkay.
10:57 thejeffreytaylor : Oh hi
10:57 freshking : facebook
10:57 thejeffreytaylor : My cat made a bee line to have a <censored> as soon as I pulled this up.
10:57 miss_taffy : thats funny
10:58 thejeffreytaylor : And if anyone mentions the news I’ve heard eight zillion times today, I will ensure that your mailbox gets spam dihorrea.
10:58 margueritetarde : poor britney
10:58 freshking : brb retailation diss
10:58 freshking : brb
10:58 ustreamer|15891 : freshtard
10:59 thejeffreytaylor : freshtardpia
10:59 freshking : need to pooooooooooop
10:59 freshking : hahahahahhahahahah
10:59 margueritetarde : go use the cat box
10:59 thejeffreytaylor : please poop now
10:59 thejeffreytaylor : right now
10:59 thejeffreytaylor : don’t condescend to actually leave your chair
10:59 thejeffreytaylor : or anything
10:59 pns_noah : diarrhea dump onto your ikea
11:00 steveh : lol – ikea
11:00 thejeffreytaylor : hello Wales!
11:00 freshking : ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn ndn
11:00 margueritetarde : doody with screws and bolts
11:00 steveh : bonjour France
11:00 thejeffreytaylor : chop chop madege
11:00 thejeffreytaylor : madge, even
11:00 freshking : Retaliation Diss
11:00 pns_noah : i love the preshow anticipation
11:01 thejeffreytaylor : dance, monkey, dance
11:01 freshking : dan u there
11:01 steveh : what look is this?
11:01 steveh : lesbian look, that is
11:01 thejeffreytaylor : Fellini day?
11:01 freshking : ugly
11:01 margueritetarde : shave that mage
11:01 margueritetarde : madge
11:01 freshking : brb
11:01 doyathink : norma desmond
11:01 miss_taffy : pappa
11:02 margueritetarde : it’s a mix of yenta and princess leia
11:02 thejeffreytaylor : AHHHHHHHHHHH!
11:02 margueritetarde : makeup by ringling brothers
11:02 pns_noah : a woman of age can use lip liner to help with feathering
11:03 thejeffreytaylor : base coat, <censored>!
11:03 margueritetarde : she lost her feathers
11:03 thejeffreytaylor : base coat!
11:03 thejeffreytaylor : dear god, it’s the cliché aria record
11:03 miss_taffy : rystline works, too
11:03 margueritetarde : so happy that this is my first show.
11:03 pns_noah : rystl meth
11:03 miss_taffy : oh boy
11:04 thejeffreytaylor : rystl connor
11:04 thejeffreytaylor : yes?
11:04 pns_noah : yes
11:04 margueritetarde : yes
11:04 miss_taffy : oh yes
11:04 thejeffreytaylor : yes
11:04 dude2008 : yes
11:04 thejeffreytaylor : all is rystl
11:04 thejeffreytaylor : places
11:04 thejeffreytaylor : places
11:05 thejeffreytaylor : oui
11:05 dude2008 : yes
11:05 pns_noah : yes
11:05 miss_taffy : I never heard the come on at the end of that before yes
11:05 margueritetarde : hello Madge. I’m Marguerite Tarded
11:05 ustreamer|15891 : chack room
11:05 thejeffreytaylor : I had one foot on the dresser
11:05 ustreamer|15891 : !censoroff
11:05 thejeffreytaylor : and the other on the bathroom door
11:05 pns_noah : pwnd!!
11:05 thejeffreytaylor : sayin’ <censored> me, baby <censored> me
11:05 miss_taffy : is that a new wig?
11:06 thejeffreytaylor : It’s the Vicki Lawrence-Schulz wig
11:06 miss_taffy : LOL
11:06 miss_taffy : opps umm humm
11:06 thejeffreytaylor : Does she or doesn’t she?
11:06 thejeffreytaylor : Does her abortionist even no?
11:06 miss_taffy : AHHHH
11:06 thejeffreytaylor : know?
11:06 pns_noah : too soon
11:06 dude2008 : you look like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Denny’s
11:06 thejeffreytaylor : she peaked too early
11:07 miss_taffy : anorxia will do that to girl
11:07 thejeffreytaylor : Take away cake.
11:07 thejeffreytaylor : ?
11:07 thejeffreytaylor : ?
11:08 thejeffreytaylor : duh
11:08 steveh : margaritard pracatan
11:08 thejeffreytaylor : all 8 of her
11:08 thejeffreytaylor : the 3 faces of weave
11:09 doyathink : sounds like emory from boys in the band
11:09 micerl : Hello!
11:10 steveh : i think the jew york accent is turning madge on
11:10 freshking : im back
11:10 doyathink : tanya cocobutter
11:11 thejeffreytaylor : glycerine sticks?
11:11 thejeffreytaylor : Yes.
11:11 thejeffreytaylor : Fast absorption.
11:11 thejeffreytaylor : Helps with stretch marks on the lyps
11:11 freshking : haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
11:12 miss_taffy : I just got a new skype
11:12 miss_taffy : add me if you guys want to
11:12 ustreamer|23910 : i love yur face
11:12 miss_taffy : miss_taffy
11:13 ustreamer|23910 : BEARS!!!GRR!!
11:13 doyathink : window dresser
11:13 thejeffreytaylor : window dresser
11:13 thejeffreytaylor : jinx
11:13 thejeffreytaylor : wax
11:13 thejeffreytaylor : by Campbell’s Soup Co.
11:13 doyathink : buy me a coke…oops
11:14 doyathink : shouldn’t mention coke
11:16 micerl : Charlie.
11:16 ustreamer|23910 : eat me please
11:16 ustreamer|39111 : Hello
11:16 ustreamer|23910 : LOL
11:16 thejeffreytaylor : heh
11:16 freshking : who are u
11:16 freshking : did u forget to shave
11:17 ustreamer|65947 : oh Madge, you look soooo adorable!
11:17 ustreamer|65947 : really
11:18 miss_taffy : interested in talking about Millery <censored>?
11:18 pns_noah : HOW
11:18 miss_taffy : opps .. hillery
11:19 pns_noah : she didn’t date a carosel man either
11:19 pns_noah : and she’s not really a gypsy
11:19 pns_noah : ‘er me
11:19 miss_taffy : some lady said .. that mil might know about a different idea of marraige
11:19 pns_noah : mommy is confused
11:19 micerl : True you created Chassie out of your one rib, Cher?
11:19 steveh : isn’t that the topic every day?!
11:19 miss_taffy : LOL
11:20 pns_noah : chazzie is a food baby
11:20 thejeffreytaylor : yes, and it’s not the Mamas verse from Tradition in Fiddler on the Roof, Madge
11:20 thejeffreytaylor : You sang it like that…
11:21 ustreamer|31163 : hello
11:21 thejeffreytaylor : a quiet home, a blah blah home, a kosher home
11:21 pns_noah : Potpourri of Retardation: The Madge Weinstein Story
11:21 miss_taffy : well cher is a dancer so a little bit of a gypsy
11:21 miss_taffy : I saw the leg muscles during the dancing
11:21 miss_taffy : they looked pretty good
11:21 ustreamer|68494 : they prefer “roma”
11:21 thejeffreytaylor : placenta
11:22 ustreamer|68494 : you homa
11:22 pns_noah : woah, sped up babes
11:22 pns_noah : it sounds so urgent
11:22 miss_taffy : you guys are so funny
11:22 miss_taffy : you on speed cher?
11:22 slamidolsimon : <censored>
11:22 thejeffreytaylor : <censored>
11:22 doyathink : dance mix
11:22 pns_noah : Cher is on Adderol
11:22 miss_taffy : thats real good
11:22 miss_taffy : oh the adderol is a mess
11:23 miss_taffy : but it will help a girl clean the bathroom
11:23 thejeffreytaylor : hair
11:23 gaycub78 : Lilith Fair, stink hair
11:23 micerl : Cher.
11:23 thejeffreytaylor : nair
11:23 miss_taffy : raosi turned into a bear.. that would work
11:23 pns_noah : me! CHER!
11:23 miss_taffy : rosie
11:23 ustreamer|68494 : i love it
11:23 pns_noah : put my name in it more
11:23 miss_taffy : then rosie went and turned into a bear.. half bread
11:24 thejeffreytaylor : ’cause I’m past my sell-by date?
11:24 pns_noah : masterbate
11:24 ustreamer|68494 : womans fate
11:24 micerl : !
11:24 ustreamer|65947 : no more what my man would ate
11:24 miss_taffy : oh there is andy melton
11:24 pns_noah : that is a good one jeffery
11:24 pns_noah : sell by date
11:25 andymelton : Hi Taffy
11:25 thejeffreytaylor : hmmm
11:25 micerl : Constipate.
11:25 miss_taffy : funny micerl
11:25 pns_noah : i ate too much cheese now im constipate
11:25 margueritetarde : we’ve been bleeding together since we were 8
11:25 thejeffreytaylor : but thise days have met their sell-by date
11:25 micerl : ^o^
11:25 thejeffreytaylor : but those*
11:25 thejeffreytaylor : meh
11:25 thejeffreytaylor : I dunno
11:25 thejeffreytaylor : the pressure
11:25 doyathink : gettin’ too old to even <censored>
11:25 dude2008 : but now I’m in a hot flash state
11:26 pns_noah : ooh yes
11:26 ustreamer|61288 : I like the scarf
11:26 thejeffreytaylor : w
11:26 thejeffreytaylor : t
11:26 thejeffreytaylor : f
11:26 thejeffreytaylor : ?
11:26 ustreamer|61288 : soooooo hot
11:26 thejeffreytaylor : *files nails*
11:26 thejeffreytaylor : *knits*
11:27 thejeffreytaylor : *furiously*
11:27 steveh : lol
11:27 micerl : …constipated in a hot flash state…
11:27 ustreamer|31163 : how do I sign into this thing so I can use my name?
11:27 doyathink : but now i’m in a rather hot flash state
11:27 ustreamer|68494 : how do you spell nic?
11:27 margueritetarde : nick
11:28 margueritetarde : you retard
11:28 miss_taffy : but now Im dancing though another hot flas state
11:28 thejeffreytaylor : N
11:28 dude2008 : but now I’m living in a hot flash state
11:28 andymelton : not network interface card
11:28 thejeffreytaylor : 0
11:28 thejeffreytaylor : 0
11:28 thejeffreytaylor : B
11:28 ustreamer|61288 : LMAO!!!!!!!!!!
11:28 syn : nic as in shaving nics
11:28 pns_noah : now my gyne is in a hot flash state
11:28 micerl : !
11:28 ustreamer|31163 : test
11:28 doyathink : but now I’m entering a hot flash state
11:28 miss_taffy : but now im dancing through another hot flash state
11:29 billstreeter|1067 : test
11:29 billstreeter|1067 : hey!
11:29 andymelton : Hi Bill Streeter
11:29 billstreeter|1067 : Hey Andy!
11:29 miss_taffy : hi there bill
11:29 ustreamer|61288 : *howling*
11:29 billstreeter|1067 : Hello Miss Taffy!
11:29 thejeffreytaylor : ha
11:30 billstreeter|1067 : I had to take a goddam day off of work to watch this <censored>
11:30 miss_taffy : oh good
11:30 miss_taffy : this is good
11:30 pns_noah : can barely fill a ‘pon
11:30 pns_noah : ha
11:30 billstreeter|1067 : sounds like <censored> in the background
11:30 ustreamer|61288 : LMAO!!!!!!!!
11:30 thejeffreytaylor : sounds like frogs around you
11:31 billstreeter|1067 : it sounds like <censored>
11:31 thejeffreytaylor : is your puter fan on?
11:31 thejeffreytaylor : yeah
11:31 ustreamer|61288 : Inturdnet spam…not as tasty as real spam
11:31 billstreeter|1067 : like a really long <censored>
11:31 thejeffreytaylor : just went down a bit
11:31 thejeffreytaylor : post-chili dog
[11:32] * producer wants to sign you
11:32 billstreeter|1067 : barely fill a pun
11:32 pns_noah : work it
11:32 billstreeter|1067 : or poon
11:32 thejeffreytaylor : You know Wanda already did this using the words “Drag Queen”
11:32 billstreeter|1067 : as in <censored>
11:32 margueritetarde : <censored> <censored> <censored>
11:32 yeastradio : !censorff
11:32 thejeffreytaylor : <censored>
11:32 thejeffreytaylor : <censored>
11:32 thejeffreytaylor : <censored>
11:32 ustreamer|61288 : Half Bleed! I’m filling up with gout.
11:32 thejeffreytaylor : <censored>
11:32 thejeffreytaylor : <censored>
11:32 thejeffreytaylor : <censored>
11:33 thejeffreytaylor : <censored>
11:33 yeastradio : !censoroff
11:33 thejeffreytaylor : mad
11:33 thejeffreytaylor : urine
11:33 thejeffreytaylor : fuck
11:33 margueritetarde : shit
11:33 margueritetarde : shit
11:33 thejeffreytaylor : fuck
11:33 steveh : cunt
11:33 thejeffreytaylor : asshole
11:33 ustreamer|61288 : Half Bleed! I’m filling up with gout.
11:33 pns_noah : bea arthur
11:33 andymelton : burgerfuck
11:33 thejeffreytaylor : urine
11:33 thejeffreytaylor : mad
11:33 thejeffreytaylor : urine
11:33 thejeffreytaylor : mad
11:33 thejeffreytaylor : urine
11:33 thejeffreytaylor : mad
11:33 andymelton : pussy juice / mad
11:34 miss_taffy : jesus
11:34 syn : i hate those
11:34 pns_noah : your practice is as complicated or as easy as you want it to be
11:34 syn : one arm pushups, not black women
11:34 thejeffreytaylor : *gong*
11:34 __M__ : The yellow colour in urine is produced by th breakdown of haemoglobin. Therefore, in a way you’re always pissing blood.
11:34 thejeffreytaylor : fun
11:35 thejeffreytaylor : NO!
11:35 miss_taffy : oh thats horrid
11:35 billstreeter|1067 : and the problem is?
11:35 miss_taffy : yogurt for yeast
11:35 thejeffreytaylor : ha
11:35 thejeffreytaylor : that was brief
11:35 thejeffreytaylor : and geeky
11:36 andymelton : Please don’t bring Cankle Clueless into this.
11:36 thejeffreytaylor : So what’s the connection
11:36 thejeffreytaylor : do they know Joan?
11:36 __M__ : The rest of the haemoglobin structure comes out the other end, which give poop it’s dark colour. Biology is fnu.
11:36 thejeffreytaylor : fnu?
11:36 thejeffreytaylor : gnu?
11:36 __M__ : Fun +1
11:37 billstreeter|1067 : I had fnu once, never again
11:37 slamidolsimon : Hi Andy
11:37 andymelton : Hi Simon
11:37 thejeffreytaylor : ugh
11:37 thejeffreytaylor : and he loves Pacino and Brando
11:38 pns_noah : ATC DVD
11:38 steveh : Cheryl is one of the earth’s first lifeforms
11:38 thejeffreytaylor : I think Madge should picket
11:38 thejeffreytaylor : open her dress and cause a stink
11:39 BillieSimone : Half Bleed! I’m filling up with gout.
11:39 thejeffreytaylor : Madeline Kahn?
11:39 BillieSimone : Your hair is very lesbionic today
11:39 thejeffreytaylor : Busted out in Baton Rough
11:40 billstreeter|1067 : can you work and NOT work for douche bags?
11:40 BillieSimone : eat their cunts out
11:40 miss_taffy : busting out in batton rouge
11:40 miss_taffy : the sex in new orleans
11:40 thejeffreytaylor : name that tune
11:40 thejeffreytaylor : Peaches?
11:40 micerl : Fannypack?
11:41 thejeffreytaylor : Ooooh…I need me some Buffalo Stance
11:41 doyathink : cameltoe
11:41 micerl : !
11:41 BillieSimone : snap.
11:41 miss_taffy : andy you guys in springtime out there allready?
11:42 BillieSimone : Your lips look like a cameltoe
11:42 thejeffreytaylor : springtime for Metlon in Tennessee
11:42 thejeffreytaylor : Melton even
11:43 thejeffreytaylor : CONGRATS!
11:43 thejeffreytaylor : There’s Hondas that survive Jersey City?
11:43 miss_taffy : my ass never looked much like the one on the insane films
11:43 syn : the pulse
11:45 andymelton : If you lose your legs you get to have an excuse for being obese.
11:45 bicyclemark : king jesus
11:45 margueritetarde : yes
11:45 pns_noah : sing it
11:45 pns_noah : how
11:45 margueritetarde : because the food only goes half way down
11:45 bicyclemark : how cow now
11:45 thejeffreytaylor : Hi Markie
11:45 BillieSimone : Half bleed! I’m filling up with gout!
11:45 andymelton : HI MARK!
11:45 bicyclemark : Howdy
11:45 bicyclemark : MY gine stinks like trout
11:45 BillieSimone : Half bleed! I’m filling up with gout!
11:45 BillieSimone : Half bleed! I’m filling up with gout!
11:45 thejeffreytaylor : Andy, go to your room.
11:45 BillieSimone : Half bleed! I’m filling up with gout!
11:46 billstreeter|1067 : Hello bicycle mark
11:46 doyathink : my lips they used to pout
11:46 andymelton : I am in my room Jeffrey.
11:46 thejeffreytaylor : Oh god.
11:46 thejeffreytaylor : Use Kleenexâ„¢
11:46 bicyclemark : hi bill
11:46 pns_noah : how do you get the trademark?
11:47 BillieSimone : ll
11:47 thejeffreytaylor : â„¢
11:47 thejeffreytaylor : option 2
11:47 syn : i think this line has to be longer
11:47 thejeffreytaylor : ®
11:47 pns_noah : Cherâ„¢
11:47 miss_taffy : ha ha
11:47 BillieSimone : i fuckin hate typing here it takes FOREVER!!!!!!
11:47 pns_noah : HOoooowâ„¢
11:47 miss_taffy : oh no they were not
11:48 andymelton : I loved Cher in the 90s.
11:48 thejeffreytaylor : If I could turn back time
11:48 pns_noah : skip the pink babes
11:48 miss_taffy : I loved the 80’s cher
11:48 BillieSimone : LMAO!!!!!
11:48 thejeffreytaylor : If I could find a way
11:48 bicyclemark : cept when she was on the ship with the guns
11:48 bicyclemark : that was howt
11:48 thejeffreytaylor : I’d take back all those words that hurt you
11:48 bicyclemark : Cher did mission accomplished long before bush
11:48 miss_taffy : she did the best rock songs then
11:48 miss_taffy : the hair lady mary
11:48 pns_noah : she was a fat lady that did hair care
11:49 miss_taffy : I like the work out vids
11:49 miss_taffy : with the dinaa ross wigs
11:49 miss_taffy : you looked good there cher
11:49 slamidolsimon : Is this a version of Chocolate Rain?
11:49 __M__ : dawn? from Dawn & Drew?
11:49 pns_noah :
11:50 doyathink : tony orlando and dawn and drew
11:50 syn : yeah
11:50 syn : i was saying
11:50 thejeffreytaylor : play them all at once
11:50 syn : “both sides were against me since the day i was born”
11:50 syn : 12 syl
11:50 pns_noah : you have to pronounced warned with two syllebels
11:50 ustreamer|73138 : hello
11:51 pns_noah : chazzy is clapping , she really likes it
11:51 pns_noah : oh wait that’s her thighs
11:51 miss_taffy : that is really good a+++++
11:51 micerl : And with no penis between us…
11:52 pns_noah : take it up an octave
11:52 listenturd : Woohoo!
11:52 BillieSimone : Is everyone enjoying this lag?
11:53 thejeffreytaylor : audio is before the video
11:53 billstreeter|1067 : it’s in sync for me
11:53 BillieSimone : I’ve been refreshing…
11:53 bigbadwolf : hi bigbad from the uk here
11:54 thejeffreytaylor : It hates France
11:54 dude2008 : my gine looks like Bea Arthur’s, how can I go on
11:54 miss_taffy : both lyyyps are chapped up seince the day I went dry
11:54 thejeffreytaylor : endorsed bareback
11:54 thejeffreytaylor : just now
11:54 bicyclemark : thats good
11:54 dude2008 : my gine looks like Bea Arthur’s, how can I go on
11:54 bicyclemark : even though the only endosement that matters is from Dr. LEsbina
11:55 bicyclemark : We needed Bea Arthur in the song
11:55 thejeffreytaylor : we are a femily
11:55 BillieSimone : You’re a born lyricist.
11:55 miss_taffy : stink and bea
11:55 bicyclemark : Burt Bareback
11:55 __M__ : Half Bree! (from Desperate Housewives)
11:56 miss_taffy : oh yes the babs writing the evergreen
11:56 thejeffreytaylor : What’s it all about?
11:56 thejeffreytaylor : Giney?
11:56 BillieSimone : LMASO!!!!!
11:56 doyathink : Burt Bareback Obama
11:56 miss_taffy : looks good madge
11:56 thejeffreytaylor : Is it just
11:56 thejeffreytaylor : for the moment
11:56 bicyclemark : how
11:56 thejeffreytaylor : we queef?
11:56 pns_noah : Half Pint (from Little House)
11:56 andymelton : You should invite Jennifer to co-host with you.
11:56 thejeffreytaylor : hahahahashaha
11:56 bicyclemark : Lesbian in the studio
11:57 BillieSimone : HALF-BLEED!!!!!!!!!!!
11:57 bicyclemark : Yes
11:57 dude2008 : brava
11:57 BillieSimone : love it
11:57 gaycub78 : LOVE IT!!!!1
11:57 miss_taffy : very very good
11:57 BillieSimone : it’s a hit
11:57 miss_taffy : a+++
11:57 thejeffreytaylor : it’s a shit
11:57 bicyclemark : this show should put you right there above that jennifer with the oxygen tank
11:57 bigbadwolf : this is so cool lol
11:58 BillieSimone : PROLAPSE!
11:58 gaycub78 : battle of the bands, with Madge and Cheryl?
11:58 thejeffreytaylor : LYPS
11:58 BillieSimone : LOL!!!!!!
11:58 listenturd : LOL
11:58 bicyclemark : somrbody please defend Cherly
11:58 bicyclemark : thats research
11:58 BillieSimone : hot
11:58 bigbadwolf : im from the uk lol
11:59 miss_taffy : I love her
11:59 miss_taffy : that cheryl
11:59 bicyclemark : animals urinating.. thats chris’s thing
11:59 andymelton : Madge and Cheryl are chubby chasers.
11:59 miss_taffy : its the thong that makes her look fat
11:59 BillieSimone : *SLURP!*
11:59 __M__ : Madge, Wanda and Chery should do a combined show. “Maiden, Mother, Crone”, though they’d have to fight over who’s title is which.
11:59 bicyclemark : faceboooook
11:59 gaycub78 : hey Andy, im a chubby chaser too
11:59 miss_taffy : humm humm
11:59 andymelton : YAY! @GayCub78
12:00 miss_taffy : oh andy!!
12:00 andymelton : I love this delay.
12:00 doyathink : eyes without a face
12:00 andymelton : How long will it take to see my pants.
12:00 BillieSimone : gay delay
12:00 bicyclemark : Tom Delay
12:00 BillieSimone : Tom Delay
12:00 bicyclemark : ahah
12:00 BillieSimone : lol
12:00 pns_noah : you should make a video of your family andy
12:00 pns_noah : i want to see who you live with
12:00 andymelton : I have videos of my family, Noah.
12:00 pns_noah : oh
12:01 pns_noah : make more
12:01 bicyclemark : The gine?
12:01 bicyclemark : Best Buy lesbians
12:01 dude2008 : lighting department at Home Depot
12:01 BillieSimone : witha sloppy gine
12:01 thejeffreytaylor : still waiting for the pants
12:01 andymelton : Just the cuntputer.
12:01 miss_taffy : pns should make some of his flat waist
12:01 bicyclemark : Might be Robert Scoble.. thumbing you
12:01 steveh : sounds like inturdference
12:01 thejeffreytaylor : ah, the pants
12:01 miss_taffy : most of us have never had one of those
12:02 syn : hoofing when scoble does it
12:02 BillieSimone : ooooo 12in!!!!!
12:02 andymelton : I want something that is 12 inches.
12:02 andymelton : Wonder what a certain person has.
12:02 BillieSimone : mmmmmmm
12:02 thejeffreytaylor : Buffalo
12:02 thejeffreytaylor : Stance
12:02 thejeffreytaylor : please
12:02 gaycub78 : who me? Andy
12:02 thejeffreytaylor : ugh
12:02 bicyclemark : Tina turner
12:02 andymelton : Well, you too, gaycub78.
12:02 bicyclemark : Ike Turner.. is he a diva?
12:02 gaycub78 : lol
12:02 thejeffreytaylor : she’s your privahte dahnce
12:02 syn : wait… hooving
12:02 BillieSimone : Madame Butterfly
12:02 bicyclemark : Madame Ovary
12:03 BillieSimone : LOL
12:03 andymelton : Mmmm hmmmm.
12:03 andymelton : There’s the pants.
12:03 BillieSimone : Madame Butturdfly
12:03 doyathink : mons
12:03 miss_taffy : oh no
12:03 andymelton : Do you like 64 inch waisters, GayCub78?
12:03 thejeffreytaylor : ha
12:03 BillieSimone : Madumb
12:03 gaycub78 : sure do
12:03 thejeffreytaylor : dear god
12:03 bicyclemark : bye madgey
12:03 andymelton : I’m so glad to know that you do!
12:03 thejeffreytaylor : Ciao
12:03 syn : nitey!
12:03 bicyclemark : how
12:03 pns_noah : bye babes
12:03 bicyclemark : now
12:03 BillieSimone : i lyk this song
12:03 andymelton : And a certain person doesn’t makes me sad.
12:03 gaycub78 : im a 44 inch
12:04 miss_taffy : see you next week everyone
12:04 miss_taffy : oh my
12:04 pns_noah : finger blast your gyne
12:04 bicyclemark : this is the part where madge drives her car off a cliff
12:04 BillieSimone : There are bears hooking up in your chat Madge
12:04 andymelton : I’m going to drive my scooter off a cliff.
12:04 gaycub78 : why Andy?
12:04 miss_taffy : that rosie
12:04 doyathink : as long as they are not shitting in the woods
12:04 miss_taffy : the lesbian not a bear
12:05 andymelton : Because I want to cause the waters to rise and drown people.
12:05 bicyclemark : Tratelle
12:05 BillieSimone : LOL!
12:05 gaycub78 : that is so mean, dont talk bout yourself like that
12:05 BillieSimone : He looks like my dog
12:05 ustreamer|6337 : trotski is going to hate the snow today
12:05 andymelton : There. Refresh. No delay.
12:06 andymelton : I miss my little dogs 🙁
12:06 andymelton : Madge has a Lucy Ricardo look today.
12:06 __M__ : You can only eat the once, eh.
12:06 BillieSimone : ver y sexy
12:06 miss_taffy : what did madge say about dresses .. one size fits all with no green in them?
12:07 doyathink : neti lick
12:07 miss_taffy : does anyone have the amazon wish list link?
12:07 andymelton : Trotski can clean out your nose.
12:07 BillieSimone : Madge, does that muumuu smell? I’ve been watching for two weeks and it’s all you’ve worn.
12:07 andymelton : Lesbians always smell like potpouri.
12:07 SaudiQueen : hey
12:07 BillieSimone : If so…may I smell it?
12:07 SaudiQueen : it worked
12:08 BillieSimone : LOL!!
12:08 andymelton : OH SAUDI QUEEN
12:08 andymelton : Are you the cute one Saudi Queen?
12:08 SaudiQueen : huh
12:08 andymelton : Bruh huh
12:08 SaudiQueen : what cute one?
12:09 andymelton : If you who I think you be. You are cute.
12:10 ustreamer|15891 : There’s another saudi who used to be on here
12:10 ustreamer|15891 : from holland
12:10 ustreamer|15891 : porn bottom
12:10 SaudiQueen : i don’t think you know me…but yes i’m cute
12:10 andymelton : Do you have pictures?
12:10 SaudiQueen : nnoooooooooo no no no
12:10 SaudiQueen : hell no
12:10 andymelton : Can I see pictures of your penis?
12:10 ustreamer|15891 : oy
12:10 slamidolsimon : !
12:11 slamidolsimon : Andy!
12:11 andymelton : I like having penis pictures of people I know.
12:11 madge : simon what were you talking about in your skype im>
12:11 fuckfacesally : hello
12:11 fuckfacesally : Fuckface sally here
12:11 Andrea|2387 : Hello
12:11 Andrea|2387 : Andrea Meltdown here.
12:11 slamidolsimon : John Buckley
12:11 Andrea|2387 : The fat ass went to eat.
12:12 Andrea|2387 : He’s eating two hamburgers.
12:12 miss_taffy : lol
12:12 Andrea|2387 : With grilled onions.
12:12 miss_taffy : you funny
12:12 SaudiQueen : msdge did i say you looked like my aunt in one of your videos
12:12 SaudiQueen : my aunt that i hate
12:12 madge : is she jewish
12:12 slamidolsimon : No
12:12 SaudiQueen : no she’s arab
12:13 SaudiQueen : and she’s a cunt
12:13 SaudiQueen : lol
12:13 Andrea|2387 : Andy is screaming from the kitchen: “GET ME NUDE PICS OF SAUDI QUEEN.”
12:13 madge : send pic
12:13 miss_taffy : madge are you madge or richard on amazon wish list?
12:13 madge : [email protected]
12:13 Andrea|2387 : Who the fuck is Richard?
12:13 Andrea|2387 : Madge is not a man.
12:13 Andrea|2387 : She has a vagina.
12:13 Andrea|2387 : A big, deep, wet vagina.
12:13 SaudiQueen : i can’t do that sorry they’ll chop my head lol
12:13 madge : but right now al i have is tapes on there
12:14 miss_taffy : you want tapes?
12:14 Andrea|2387 : Ohhh SaudiQueen that’s terrible.
12:14 Andrea|2387 : *hugs* Saudi Queen.
12:14 SaudiQueen : no just kiddin’
12:14 Andrea|2387 : OH SO YOU’LL SEND PICS?
12:15 madge : andy
12:15 madge : get fucked
12:15 madge : literally
12:15 SaudiQueen : no i’m not that train wrek you think of sorry
12:15 madge : or at least get some cam fatty
12:15 madge : to get you off

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

7 replies on “YR749 Margeritarded and Marvin Hamlish”

Madge is a gem, nay, a diamond! Margeretarded is just a cum stained sack of pantays. I hate her. Seriously, she a’int funny.

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