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YR740 Cher, Norm Augustinus, and Brittney Spears

A new piece from Norm!
Brittney Spears is so great. So is Cher. They’re both hear today along with Elmo.

Topics include:
insecure indian grocers
tea poks
AIDS blood in the gym
Sports Authority vs. Baker’s Square
Obama Loves Reagan even though he invented AIDS.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

5 replies on “YR740 Cher, Norm Augustinus, and Brittney Spears”

You should watch out with the Neti pots, you seem show the start of an addiction….
I tried it in the shower just cupping a handful of water and pouring it up my nose and letting it run to my throat.
Coughed up a lot of goo, thought I was going to choke. But I could breath easier after that.
I think the Neti method pours water up one nostril and out the other whereas my method directly flushes all the way back to the throat.

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