Podcasts Rachel Kann

YR720 Rachael Kann Bizzare Unusual Frankness Show

not even the smallest edit- from audio hijack to your ipod. sorry. Show notes by Enzo Sant’Elia: Skype call with Rapechel Kann. Rachel is watching Tila Tequila’s reality show on MTV. Madge wants a reality show. Twitter and the PodShow Christmas party What happened to devil-may-care Madge? Madge is in a Florida high-rise with her parents. Madge is working on Madge isn’t suicidal; she’s just Jewish. Madge goes in a shell as soon as she sees a woman she’s attracted to. Madge is the Lesbian in the Plastic Prolapse Bag. Rachel is teaching aerobics and bartending … also pursuing an MFA and writing a book. Kathy Acker Madge is having a supermodel crisis because she doesn’t get attention anymore. Rachel is douching her gine. Frottage stories The right to privacy is sacred. Word association Madge guesses that Tila will choose the girl. Madge is so ghetto. Rachel doesn’t want to spill her negativity juice on people. Rachel is sad about not performing. Tila picks the boy. Rachel is still doing podcasts. Eat Bird isn’t on iTunes. Seesmic is like Twitter for videoblogging.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

31 replies on “YR720 Rachael Kann Bizzare Unusual Frankness Show”

Ever since you said Wander has a parenthesis face from losing all that blubber, she’s contorting her face in all sorts of fucked up ways to cover it up.

You’ve made her go from looking hideously ugly to retarded with tourettes. She obviously hasn’t tried face yoga yet-

Mary needs to deal with it and Rachael should eat you out more often.

“Frottage” or “Frotter” in the infinitive, as we say in france: to rub something as you pointed out.
The ironic thing is that all your musings about doing something different online to regain the attention you deserve- are in themselves different & refreshing. That stream of conciousness stuff I think is just one of the reasons why you are decidedly different & your audience still appreciates you & continues to listen. Hearing Rachel’s beautiful voice is always a bonus too. I think you’re both great.

Thanks for sharing this, Madge! I feel the same way – I think many people do, but aren’t willing to admit it. This podcast made me feel less isolated, less lonely.

So you don’t like listing to people jew their cud? Hmmm — can’t say I blame you.

Anyhoo, Madge, I believe you still have relevance but one of your distinctive 2004/05 relevance points became a band wagon everyone else boarded. The difference between them and you is that you still have other distinctive points — most of these clowns don’t.

BTW: you did get something handed to you to “write” about in 2004: Busch (see Cuntsession speech). I think you did a nice job with it. Write something again — I enjoy your perspective.

Incredible episode! THIS is why I listen to your show – it was raw, frank, sad, funny, weird, insane, reflective, relatable. I’ve missed Rachel, love her and your chemistry.

I remember how you hated on RENT … but talk to the opera queen about how its a remake.. (you know already? .. just a reminder, then.)

Its very interesting to watch the two shows side by side.. like and acid trip with wizard of oz and pink floyd.

I think RENT is a much better show when you look at it as a companion to la’ boheme .. rather than try to make RENT stand on its own.


Hey Madge,
I am not sure what new angles you might mean? Do you mean why would there be differences in the two? Why impose an edit on something that is so wonderful and worked so well on its own for a very long time?

I was referring to a few things about the pieces.

Take the general plot, for example.

Also, I was talking about the characters sharing (in some cases) the same names or, in Angel’s case .. being named Angel dummont Schaunard instead of the La Bohème Schaunard.. The opening act with the candle.. the lost key/heroin.

The story lines, characters, and plot are similar (or the same) as are circumstances typically reserved for the bohemian life – exploited sickness, poverty, and love surpassing description … enjoyed by all of the characters, in both pieces .

La Bohème was a take on a novel “Scènes de le vie de Bohème” written by Henry Merger

I believe the Merger piece is more representative of the modern day art house “success”. Enjoyed by a few, in a select crowd later to capitalized on for profit or, another hit for an aging celebrity writer for the larger mass.

I hope I have made my statements clearer as well as hopefully addressing you question.

My Madge Defined –
Very intelligent.
great with tech.
quick witted.
afraid of showing real emotion or connecting with people and covers it with brilliant comedy/entertaining personality.

The greatest entertainers work hard and keep producing AND manage to stay out of the tabloids. You can be popular and still not the target of hate or ridicule. You can make the flame burn hot/long/low like coal forever or blow up like dynamite and then be destroyed. You should probably redefine what “success” is. Take your earnings and reinvest in yourself and make a nest egg – That’s real success. Otherwise, you’ll always have to pander and marionette to pay the bills.

You should also look at reinventing yourself, aligning your work with what you enjoy most. Yeast radio is definitely your venting application, so that’s good and genuine. Your other lines of Product Madge, I don’t know about… but be open to experimenting with taking your tech/podcasting knowledge and applying it to what you really care about.

There was just a big special on tv about Steve Martin and how he stopped doing stand up and went into movies because he felt like he was done with stand up. You have to acknowledge that you hit the bell with one angle of Madge and maybe you should seriously think about developing other ones. Ones very different from your usual patterns.

I do a popular podcast about one thing, but decided to start a side project – making a podcast about bicycling advocacy in my city. I’m taking my experience (tech, cycling, and personality) with just being an entertainer and I’m trying my hand at joining forces with organizations and people that can make a real change. They don’t have a podcast and I know how to do it, so I’m helping them out. It’s scary because it’s a new role, but I am really feeling my self-worth go up. I feel like I have to help stop the war/oil/political idiocy or else I’m part of the problem.

Yeast Radio helped me tons because I’d never heard somebody talk so frankly and publicly about politics and people. For that, YR and Madge goes down in my book as the best.

Thanx both of you for this wonderfull hour!
I love you both! Madge! Can’t you bring Rachel with you, when you’re travelling to Germany again? I guess I wanna merry her!


This was a really great show. I think Rachael is right on when she says to be honest. I’m trying it instead of hiding behind the microphone. Maybe it will be best for all of us. Maybe that’s our new leaf and how we’ll become even more appreciated.

Good show honaye. Twas nice turd hear Rape-Chel, tho he should really go see a srhinkz aboot all that depressions and thinking she aint got no friends and such. Just because she finnah has a manly voice don’t mean she don’t got no friends.

“Everyone’s pink on the inside” very true honaye. Tho mine is a bit darquer than other ppl b/c i am so tan and i let my lapse out to tan turd.

Eat my cunnie honaye.

Hi Madge and Rachel, I heard this podcast while I was away on holiday and didn’t have access to the net. So just wanted to let you both know that I still like you both. And hope you all had a happy holiday season and that the new year brings you much joy 😀

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