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YR689 Do your LYYPS hang low OR I didn’t say nothing bout no gubment cheeyze!


special guest i persons!

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

9 replies on “YR689 Do your LYYPS hang low OR I didn’t say nothing bout no gubment cheeyze!”

Wow, this show reminded me of the productive conversation I incited in History class on Thursday. Our teacher asked us what the most important difference between the Roman Republic back then and our US Republic. I said, the most important difference is that back then they had intelligent leaders that represented the will of the people. That’s what’s wrong with our country. We have a representative government that doesn’t represent us. Our other problem is that this government is run by the people and the people are idiots. For this country to get back on its feet, in my opinion, is for the government to begin representing us, not the corporations. That’s why the SCHIP bill didn’t pass, because it’s going to cost a corporation money. To hell with the citizens, let us protect the corporations because those CEOs don’t have any housing or food on their tables. This is what’s wrong with our country. The people, which are supposed to be the government, are stupid and the leaders now represent the corporations. Our founding mothers must be vomiting in their graves right now because of the disgusting entity our country has become.

Sorry, I forgot to comment on the protection of Bloggers thing. I don’t think it’s that big of a problem because past events have shown that if the bloggers and the podcasters unite we can change things. As you have stated, the problem now is that the bloggers and podcasters don’t know about this. Our only issue now is educating them and letting them know what is happening. I honestly believe that if you and your blogger friends, and even your audience, tell people about this and cause an uproar, we’ll be able to protect our freedom of speech. You are right though, if we don’t protect our rights, this shitty administration will take them away, while our pussy Congress bends over and takes it, as they have been prone to do recently. Our only obstacle here is letting the people know.

The “gubment cheese” stuff really made me giggle in the supermarket, whilst I was shopping for olive snacks.

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