What that plate 299.
When one loses her weigh, it becomes necessecary for her to follower her stools. Since arriving in amsterdam yes, turd day. I have had no less than 4 well formed floating, flushable dumps.
This means I am in a good space. So I leff my cuntputer at Mark’s today and went out on the bike. I got loss and rememberd that I have limbs in addition to my oft-times maligned pannus.
Whatever. I’m on vacation this week. I need it. Nothing’s wrong, so don’t get all Matt Burgess on me. Nothings wrong with me, podshow, or anything. So deal. Maybe cheryl will do a show for you for once and you can always listen to Wandumb Wisdumb for retarded pointless monologues whilst I am away.
One more thing: Tranny Wreck brought to my attention that Congress is trying to specifically allow transgender discrimination in the workplace. I would have put this at the top of my list were I to do YR and ENB’s this week. So do me a favor and read up on the issue and listen to Tranny Wreck Radio and Ethan St. Pierre’s Podcast to find out the specifics and learn the action points. I’mtoo lazy to do any hyprlinks and nobody cares enough about what I do to do show notes any more. (It’s not about me. It’s about the issues. I don’t give a fuck if you show note my umms and aah’s but the issues I bring up are what’s important to write about. So get fucked. Twice mostlyeven. Europe is grand.
From the tranny:
Here is the gist of what I am posting on trannywreck.com, but there is a wealth of talking points on transadvocate.com
“Once again, Democratic leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives have decided to strip protections for transgender persons from the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (or ENDA) due to fears that it would likely be defeated if it included a transgender provision.
This bill along with a recently passed hate crimes bill WILL get vetoed by President Bush. Opponents of this bill do not understand or care to see the differences between gay and transgender people. This action by our democratic “leaders” has the potential to divide the GLBT community once again. This is ultimately what our opponents want, and we can’t let this happen.
Call or email your representative and urge them to oppose a non inclusive ENDA bill. You can also visit thetaskforce.org and use their a pre-filled form. This will literally take you less than a minute.
For the latest information on this issue visit transadvocate.com”
26 replies on “I’m on Vacation”
May your vacation help you relax and calm your senses so you may enjoy Europe to its fullest. Love ya Madge.
But Madge, trannies aren’t people…
(Just kidding… I thought you might laugh at that or somethingst.)
Enjoy your VayKay. Will miss your randomness.
Frankly i’m thrilled.
Have a good time and take notes.
Get Fisted whore!
Wishing your cunt gets filled HUGE German sausages. Daily. Mostly. For reals.
Oh, and get fuck, you dirty, DIRTY, WHORE!
Wishing your cunt gets filled by HUGE German sausages. Daily. Mostly. For reals.
Oh, and get fucked, you dirty, DIRTY, WHORE!
I called 311 today about some rats in the alley. The black woman I spoke with identified herself as Miss Rillz.
Chris you live in NYC too? we should totally fuck.
Confidential: Notice to all corresponding Parishes.
This document is being released by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis and the Diocese of Des Moines.
Subject: Cheryl Merkowski.
Subject, known as “Cheryl Merkowski†is not to be allowed of parish premises. Subject’s typical behavior is as follows: she will walk to the reception area of a parish and demand to speak with a priest. She will claim that she is the most beautiful person in the world and that when she was a child she was molested by a priest, or several. If there is no priest available to speak with her, she will either become very verbally abusive or ask for money. She is to be considered mentally ill. A restraining order is being obtained. We are under the suspicion that this is a pseudonym, for she has other names for herself as “Rill†or “Puffy Blubber Cuntâ€. If subject becomes verbally abusive do not provoke further conversation, and close offices. You will know it is her if she says something like “I will cut you†or “I should kill you†or “You’re an ugly whore†or other derogatory names.
She also fucks nuns.
And she’s been known to release a torrent of watery shit on the altar. Beware, don’t wear white when Rillz is around.
Enjoy the downtime. I’m still playing catchup on shows when I was over in Chicago in Aug. BTW, welcome back to Europe! Your more then welcome to come visit Ireland!
i don’t remember if it was you or the Wandumb Jizzdumb complaining about the Katie Courics but she said this a few days ago:
“Everyone in this room would agree that people in this country were misled in terms of the rationale of this war. I’ve never understood why [invading Iraq] was so high on the administration’s agenda when terrorism was going on in Afghanistan and Pakistan and that [Iraq] had no true connection with al Qaeda.â€
– Katie Couric, speaking at the National Press Club
Thanks for posting about this Madge!!! Now do a fucking show you lazy bitch!!
Why don’t you get your LYYYYPS turned back into a NIIIIIIYS, bitch!
What did you not understand honey? LYYPS or NIIIIS?
Oh, vacation… and I thought you tripped and fell face first onto Carlos’ stumpy yet girthy pee-noose. LOL. Seriously, enjoy the vaykay, Madge. Don’t pick on Wanda Wisdom; her shows, while at times a bit scattered and chaotic, continue to entertain. Some shows are educational and others are just meaningless chatter. It’s that Rillz that needs to be more cuntsistent, and what the fuck is up with Lady Raptastic – her black ass got sucked into a black hole somewhere I guess. Munch those Eurpoean carpets whilst “across the pond”. Make us proud, Madge.
You are so dumb. I wasn’t picking on 1Turd. I was suggesting that my audience listen to her whilst I am away since we are both boring monologuists. Fuckface. It was actually a cuntpliment, stpuid.
Nice Madge, Real Nice. Get Fucked.
Hurry back! We need our Madge fix!
cum bacque
Can’t wait for THE Lesbian to return.