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YR671 Our Lady of Mount Prolypse

direct link to pizzababe’s gine.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

19 replies on “YR671 Our Lady of Mount Prolypse”

great show! i lapsed tiwce!

i tried turd go to the , and it was just one of them fake sites! what a dissapointment!

Cant tell if that was a 2 or 6 on the Bristol Stool Scale ?? Finnah magnify and look for ruffage. Was two meals though, half was brownish and half greenish. Birthed a good turd though… was waiting for the umbilical cord. Good ol’ turd-hos.

That was disgusting! I only saw like 5 seconds at most and it was horrible. I think it looks fake tho cuz the turd sprays out like whipped cream, but again, I only saw like 5 seconds.

I know I have really bad fame right now because my comment was taken out of context, but I was wondering if the AssociatedPress is a reliable news source? It’s where the Wii gets its news from, but I wanted your opinion because you seem to know a lot about the media and all that mess.

I think maybe the gauze clip was done my Mike Nichols and Elaine May. They used to be on the radio when I was a little kid.

Thanks for playing sounds and Philip Glass. It’s nice to come home to a big angry dyke after a hard day of keeping everythng inside.

You have some good music selections.

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