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YR669 Shitting, Betty, Ceven, and M(wh)ore!

Woman of Luna Madge Weinstein by Mr. Zeeche

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By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

7 replies on “YR669 Shitting, Betty, Ceven, and M(wh)ore!”

Did the shit leave streaks? Leaving streaks smeared along the bottom of a friend’s toilet bowl is one of the best gifts you can give!

I never cut the shits in half because you gotta let the turd be all it can be. And it is fun to watch the the shit itself break in half when it tries to go down, and maybe it will leave some streaks.

Sometimes when the shit doesn’t look like it wants to flush I leave it in the water for a couple hours and come back and it flushes real easy. And the water is a nice funny color and it is pretty to watch it wash away.

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