
YR651 Another Day Another Prolapse


By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

7 replies on “YR651 Another Day Another Prolapse”

Jan was really great. I totally agree with her about eating locally. We have a garden this year and I can totally tell the difference in food you get from the store and the food we get from the garden. The tomatoes that we’ve been getting out of the garden this year are so good. You can take one and eat it like you would eat an apple. They’re so delicious. The cucumbers, too. That will be my only issue if I leave this area, not being able to grow a garden.

Also I think everyone should challenge themselves to turn off the television. Just turn it off. Nothing on there but garbage anyways. I don’t watch it and I seriously feel so much better for it.

Madge: “She [Cheryl] is a cunt”

Cheryl has lapsed into this jaded imitation of herself.
I could understand variations on a theme if it derives from something enduring, but this is getting as useless and burdensome as the funds that are linked to the US subprime market.
So help me I wish they would BOTH just go away!

The HRC/Logo debate was pitiful. Kucinich was stellar, but everyone else was just plain awful.

HRC had 15 minutes of live television time with each of these people, but they could muster very few tough questions and almost no follow-up questions. What’s the point of having a forum if you don’t ask tough – and I mean TOUGH – questions of the candidates? “Do you support Gay Marriage” is not a tough question. Asking for their specific timeline and process for implementation of equality for all Americans and pounding them until they provide a straight answer would be a tough question.

Gay people need to wake up. We’re being used, both by the candidates and by HRC. We didn’t need a presidential candidate dick stroking session, we needed tough questions and serious commentary. Having a forum like this one is almost worse than not having any forum at all.

Barrack Obama has a credible pro-Israeli factor of 5.34 (Haaretz) and has received donations from a broad spread of corporations including Carlyle group!
His war chest is a thumping $25 million!
According to political betting Dennis Kucinich is no hoper at 200-1 the fact that he has married a non-American who is 31 years his junior, one foot taller and has had her tongue pierced hasn’t helped his chances.
Obama’s 2008 Presidential betting odds are sitting pretty at 7 to 2 great odds if you consider that he should have the Black vote in the bag.


Your recent stance on Gays having totally equal rights at first threw me off but after about 3 seconds of thought, I figured out you are ABSOLUTELY correct — it’s just that I had never heard it put out there the way you have.

Pardon the harsh language I’m about to use (and I rarely every use and don’t like to use the “N” word) but are the Gays now the niggers of America? They do work, they are industrious, the don’t add that much to the population explosion and they consume (read spend money), but they are treated as a lower subclass — just like the Blacks were when they used to be referred to commonly and openly as “niggers”. These days most people are repulsed by the word “nigger” (I know I am), yet many will still feel as if Gays are not due the rights of other human beings.

Madge, I think your latest take on this agenda is great. Keep ups the nice work.

i recorded the debate, but couldn’t watch it because i forgot how painful it is to watch politicians speak. i saw just enough to make note of the interesting format — one candidate came out at a time and talked with the panelists.

so if Obama rejects the notion of same sex marriage but is in favor of civil unions, does that mean he really shouldn’t have had an issue if after his 15 minutes were up (he was the first to sit with the panel), they brought in another chair for the remaining (white) candidates to sit in? seperate but equal, right?

i think marriage for anyone is retarded, but bigotry is even more retarded.

Cheryl never posts anything on anymore. Someone should stucco up her ‘gine, that bitch needs a renovation.

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