Big Brother fat God don't like dumb Podcasts Rants

YR649 Pork City Prolyps


By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

16 replies on “YR649 Pork City Prolyps”

While I was doing dishes earlier I got to thinking about the reasons why Bush and his cronies are wiretapping, why they need to know who the gay people are, etc. I also got to thinking about how careless I have been about my identity on the web. It’s really scary to think about sometimes because of the prison camps they are building. It scares me to think about but I wouldn’t put it past BushCO to build gay detention camps.

I love that you’re doing a call for action. I kind of think that is one of the powers of podcasting and new media that is not being utilized enough.

Good girl, Madge. No — GREAT GIRL (or is it GYRL)

I could have sworn I heard you make a reference to the old Batman television series. I’ll have to listen to the show again and figure out where it is and what exactly it was.

Often, you make references that make me feel like we grew up at the same time next door to each other (even though we know you are a good 15 years older than I am, Madge — you must have been a late bloomer).

When did Larry Kramer say there would be a homo-holocaust?

You killed him off in an earlier show anyway! :p

sorry to change the subject but i took a shit today and in the toilet next to me someone farted so loud that it made me puke, it stunk like mashed bumble-bees.
nice show today especially when you farted.

This show is one to save and listen to OFTEN. Your comments and ideas and perspective are refreshing and important. To Madge’s audience: Listen to this episode and react to it. Disagree, Agree… but TALK about it with others. Talking (in addition to meditating on this) will make us all a little more lucid.

Great show.

I have noticed when talking to people about the election next year, as well as various political issues, that most of them will only vote or get involved with something as long as it has a chance of succeeding. A lot of people just do not have any faith that the right things can get done.

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