get fucked lyps Misc mostly Podcasts

YR612 Tranny Wreck Yeast Infection

with special guest whore, Rebecca Nay!

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

17 replies on “YR612 Tranny Wreck Yeast Infection”

Short, punchy, gets to the point. I’m not sure what the point _is_ but it gets there’s _really_ fast.

Fuck suckless really sucks, and it might even be illegal.

I fucking signed up and did one of those surveys and got my 500 “points” towards free stuff, upon the assumption that they would send me more surveys for me to collect more points and be able to get the free stuff (like the stuff below, note that the MINIMUM of points you need are 2500, and I only have 500 and no way of getting more points except waiting for an email from the podshow shysters):

“2500 Point Donation to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Charities 2500 Points Add
2500 Point Donation to the Humane Society Charities 2500 Points Add
2500 Point Donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation Charities 2500 Points Add
2500 Point Donation to the American Red Cross Charities 2500 Points Add
2500 Point Donation to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Charities 2500 Points Add
2500 Point Donation to the National Wildlife Federation Charities 2500 Points Add ”

What the Fuck, I mean really!

Besides the fact that hardly no one listens to my podcast — could it be because podshow actually SUCKS period?!!!

I’m not fucking kidding.

U are preachin to the choir…… and the choir has apparently died… or gotten some type of throats cancer.

I completely agree with you…that REALLY pissed me off too. But both of us were dumb enough to fall for their BS and take their stupid fucking survey.


what the fuck madge!
to put it in terms you obviously will understand…

or get off the pot…

Tomorrow is a new beginning, which will bring an extension of the union song theme or maybe the return of a certain Mrs Bailey. Pick your poison.

That was horrible! Where’s Madge? Is she finnah do a huge cumblack with the Berbacia, Cheryl, Rob, Ali, Dace, Tranny Wreck, Matt Blender, Wanda Wisdom, Lady Raptastic (who disappeared), and the Ragan Fox? Maybe even Tim Henson? That would be so awesome. Hope you take the hint Madge.

Are your people so stupid they can’t look anything up? Or is it just rank laziness? They are always misspelling my shit.
Name: Ceven
Show: Anderecast

Either learn it or look it up in the fucking Google!


I have been having recurrent yeast infections since I started taking the pill–it’s one of the side effects. If I get ONE MORE, I’m stopping them, but I’m stopping in July in any case.

Some things to try:

1> rinse out after sex. I know it seems strange, but semen can really irritate the vagina. I run a bit of a bath immediately after a sex session, and I just rinse out a bit. It definitely helps.

2> eat yogurt or other soured products with live cultures like acidopholus every day. Those cultures promote growth of the good bacteria that fight the yeasties! Cascade Fresh is my favorite brand–it is sweetened with fruit juice instead of refined sugar (sugar breeds infection), and it has SIX active cultures, not two or four like other brands.

3> try acidopholus, biotin, and/or garlic supplements. All are known to help fight yeasties!

4> cut down on the sugar (breeds infection) and bread (has yeast).

5> change your underwear during the day. A warm, moist environment is a breeding ground for yeast and infection.

And don’t have sex until you feel completely better. Those 1- and 3-day treatments still take 7 days or so to work. You shouldn’t be fully better after 3 days. It’s no good to further irritate yourself or pass it to your mate. Good luck 🙂

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