
YR509: Fire Bush! and Tranny (no Fanny) Christmas Benefit!

TRANNIE CHRISTMAS’ – a UK Charity Single Release for ‘Press for Change’ Campaign for Transexual Equality – (thanks Wayne Hinks)

Oh, also not mentioned in thee show but worth mentioning: MacSanturd

Shownotes by Matt Blender.

The sound of a California Pizza Kitchen pizza getting warmed up.

It’s not easy turd be me.

Don’t tell me I don’t exist.

Podcasting in the car.

NPR is so lame.

Max from Karmabanque will be on the show soon.

Max does a show called Death of the Dollar on Al-Jazira English. You can watch it on Youtube.

My large little vagina.

Trannywreck is home now. I feel sorry for the people that had turd sit next turd her on the plane.

Andy Melton is still fat.

Vaginal yeast.

Where’s Cheryl?

Getting lost.

Why don’t we impeach Bush? It’s up to Laura Bush.

You people in the military need to resist this war.

Why should we support the troops?

Turding around on the highway.

I don’t know what to say about politics and the world right now.

Weird-looking guy with a cowboy hat.

Ass-certified text?

Work this lapse.

Send an email turd Cheryl and ask her why she’s a lazy whore who won’t do new shows.

Cheryl is turd busy sucking on Wanda Wisdom‘s toes.

Cheryl wanted me turd visit her for New Year’s but I’m a busy lesbian.

I’m going turd see Dream Girls on Christmas.

My lesbian friend Jeanette gave me some vagina advice.

Wasn’t Jane Wyatt married turd Ronald Regan?

Linens ‘N Things sucks. I go there to shit after my Weight Watchturds.

Somebody teach Andy Melton English, by the way.

Weekly Breeze promo.

Voicemail from someone who sounds familiar.

I see the most disgusting gushy fat ass right now.

Christmas song.


By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

5 replies on “YR509: Fire Bush! and Tranny (no Fanny) Christmas Benefit!”

I am in a piss poor mood this week so forgive me for what I say next:

Madge, of all the days and all the shows, why would you pick the one day you are driving a GASOLINE fueled automobile — to the MALL CHAIN STORES — in BROWARD COUNTY FLORIDA OF ALL PLACES — to do a show on George W. Bush and failed Iraq War policies?

It was tragic timing on your part.

You can take Madge out of America, but not the America out of Madge. . .

Before you sink too deep into a shame spiral, I am a card-carrying member of the hypocrite club myself. They write books about people who are not hypocrites — it is the smallest section in the library.

you are right about hippocricy in general, but what’s missing from the story is where I was headed in the first place. Some thing s must be left unsaid. Next time I’ll take my Rascal.

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