
YR505 Chit-Shat with Tom Morris

Shownotes by Matt Blender.

Back in Floriturd with Trotsky.

Sharon from Tampon says Cheryl‘s prolapse is still being folded.

Inturdview with Tom Morris, who went to the Le Web 2.0 conference.

Tom Morris is a student and tech blogger.

Robert Scoble.

Nice tech bloggers are unusual.

Scoble was honest about Microsoft when he was working for the company.

Scoble: Microsoft:: me: Podshow

Politicians gave irrelevant, boring speeches at the web conference.

Tom says corporate sponsors were taking over the panels at the conference.

Most people didn’t object to the corporate presence at the conference.

Tom was told not to blog during the blogging conference.

Tom thought the whole conference was a scam.

Six Apart organized the conference.

Vlog Europe.

Tech conferences going commercial.

Tom speculates on the conference organizer’s motives.

The deficit between rhetoric and reality at the conference.

Tom and I are reconsidering our affiliations with Six Apart.

Tech Crunch UK fired Sam Sethi.

Pod Camp: a conference where there’s no strict agenda and anyone can lead a panel.

Politicians are trying to apply TV without Borders (European TV obscenity regulations) to vlogs.

John Edwards went to a podcast conference I attended last year.

John Edwards was the first politician turd do a podcast.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

8 replies on “YR505 Chit-Shat with Tom Morris”

Sounds like that would require full body armour.

Very interesting chat with Tom. I see events like this as a sign of the time: business geeks with ideas above their station and parasitical politicians trying to be cool wid it ruin things for the rest of us.

I guess the essence of that is nothing new, it’s just now this is happening on a “blog” or (supposed) unconference near you.


The TV without Frontiers threat to videoblogging etc seems to have been avoided, for now:

Unfortunately I have little doubt that at some point in the future, FCC and EU etc will look at this stuff again. The politics of control have not diminished, theres no reason to think they will turn a blind eye in future. Already in the Uk there have been ominous noises about needing to control the net more because terrorists are using it!

Can you imagine the internet existing at the same time as the cold war? That would of been interesting!

What’s wrong with the homepage, Madge? When I visit the homepage, following the redirect to podshow, I hear this annoying ticking noise every few seconds, the ticking sound that indicates the page is forcefully refreshed. Generally this is done to serve new ads, but this would be a rather fast change for ad impressions.

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