
YR483 How the Egghead Stole the Elections

In this show we’re going to learn how to keep Karl Rove from stealing the next election.

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Shownotes by Matt Blender.

Trotsky ate my headphones.

Karl Rove’s dad was gay.

Thank you Michael Carrino for donating to the Jennifer Snoddy medical fund.

Playing around with mics.

Andy Melton wants to fuck Radio Peter.

Audio at the end of the show comes courtesty of Chris Weagel.

We only have enough natural resources for the next two years and all everyone talks about is reality tv.

Later on in the show I play a speech by Greg Palast, an investigative journalist. He’s more palatable than Nom Chomsky.

Black Box Voting.

Voting discrepancies.

Ways to fight voting machine tampering, especially Video the Vote.

Karl Rove and the Republicans will do anything to stay in power, including election theft.

Anyone who can get at the yellow button on the Sequoia voting machines can vote multiple times.

Vote early and vote often.

I have a suggestion: we should insist on a down-time procedures for these voting machines.

Top 10 things citizens can do to oversee elections

Matt Blender talking about Halloween parade costumes.

We can all make a difference, like Cindy Sheehan said.

If you see a voting irregularity, contact me at [email protected]

Greg Palast speech where he talks about how Karl Rove stole this election.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

6 replies on “YR483 How the Egghead Stole the Elections”

Rather than try and make the elections fair I think that Democratic voters should simply use the publisied weaknesses to hack the voting machines and cheat too. The winner of the election will be the one with the most people cheating for them rather than voting for them. Democrats would be wise to focus their rallying campains on members of the US population well known for their cheating, cunning and dishonesty – people such as card sharks, used car salesmen, real estate workers and lawyers. These people would not think twice about pressing yellow buttons to rig their vote, whereas a more honest person such as a priest would simply waste their opportunity by voting normally. you must fight fire with fire.

You are right Roger. It worked great for JFK in Cook County in 1960.

And you are right, priests are real honest. They use the strictest accounting practices when sealing the records of child sex abuses cases within the Church.

I knew exactly what you were singing. I prefer the “Fiddler on the Roof” excerpts you sing but “A Chorus Line” works for me, too.

The speech, though, was a scary thought. As you, Richard, and Democracy Now have said, bring your cameras to the polling places. Some of you may not know this but a lot of digital still cameras will also take video.

The idea that we invaded Iraq to curb oil supply and keep prices up is certainly interesting. One of the questions I had for the longest time is why gas prices are so high if we invaded Iraq for their oil. I am just finishing Kevin Phillips book “American Theocracy” which took the position that the Iraq war was waged to drive the price of oil down and stick it to OPEC as well as prevent Saddam from pricing Iraqi oil in Euros. According to Phillips, this plan was botched because of relentless insurgent attacks on the oil lines.

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