Misc Rants


They have cancelled my account for posting non-pornographic material. Youtube is censorship. I’ll cuntinue posting my stuff on which is NOT censored at all.

PLEASE BOYCOTT YOUTUBE. It’s not a good thing.

Anyone can get a free account at and post anything without fear of censwhoreship as well. may be the same but I’m not sure.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

32 replies on “BOYCOTT YOUTUBE!”

listen here you fuck, you want other people to back off and not make fun of you, which can be respected with common sense. but with this?

and don’t say it’s irony, because it isn’t.

through this you have prooved what a bitch you really are.

lol who has ever backed off of Ragan? You’re dumb. You’re one of the hundreds that just don’t get it, and you lose in this situation, THE END.

You are killing me with that request (really no joke). It will be a pain for me.

But that is what boycotting is all about — giving up something you use and need to make a statement. (If it was easy it wouldn’t make a difference, no?) I am sure walking instead of taking the bus sucked too.

Consider this You-tube user and contributer you-tube free as of today (sigh)

Keep on filming and never compromise.

And one other thing. YOU-TUBE is filled with video-voyuerism. Type is key words like “up-skirt” “shoe” “secretary” “co-ed” “stocking” etc, etc and you will see video after video on YOU TUBE of people secretly video-taping unsuspecting women in parks and subways. That nonsense is a hell of a lot more offensive (and now illegal in many localities).

When is that going to be banned from You-Tube? Hypocricy is rampant in this world.

They also have a lot of the “bumfight” clips of young white suburban men paying the homeless to mutilate themselves and/or fight each other.

I agree with Christian about this being a regal pain in the ass, but the coffin door was already only open a slight sliver for them in my book.

i can’t even if i could. the you tube website is censored in saudi arabia. you simply can’t access it because it’s blocked
i don’t know why
hey richard why don’t you come visit saudi arabia while you’re on the Euro trip
just kidding.. not really.. twice

Vimeo is nice too if you need the flash player or social networking thing for friends. It’s personal feeling and Flickr-like, although can be slow to convert your uploaded video – don’t know what YouTube was like for that, never used it, scared me. Vimeo is run by a small co with just a few people and I haven’t heard anything bad about them, but I’m not exactly informed about these things.

I host my videos on Podshow now and would recommend it for reliability and good stats, but have also used Vimeo to give people a way to view without QuickTime.

Along with a boycott, I suggest sending out a form letter that people can send them. YouTube is a community. They respond to community response that can be assessed. Make a difference in ways that make a difference.

I think that the reason people are using youtube, especially when they already have access to their own hosting, is because of the flash player that works on everyone’s computers as well as the social networking component. So whatever replacement service.. it would need to have a player that could easily work on everyone’s computer… not just a place to host a file…. that is not the point HONAYEEEEE.

Christ… you and your “boycotts:” mary… RIGHT. Just loike your yahoo boycott… that lasted long LOL. I ain’t judging.. just saying with judgment. WERK the hole.

There are activists that are using YouTube to promote their issues: Karmabanque, representativepress (Publishers of Noam Chomsky), mediagirrl19 (linked to Democracy Now) and adycousins (the UK peace movement).
Google now own YouTube, Yahoo own Flickr and the people who condemned Shi Tao to 10 years hard labour.
They’re all fuckers I’m just using them to target Coca-Cola.
For these reasons I would like to continue, this is not a dismissal of your concerns, it’s probably the delusion of thinking of them as useful tools when, in reality, they are sites where videos of Elmo toys with dogs get 2.5 million views.

Hi Madge!

Have you tried to contact youtube since this happened? Sometimes a boycott is less powerful than sticking it to them and fighting. Sometimes.

Didn’t Google just buy YouTube? Hopefully, they’ll revise YouTube’s shitty interface and quality along with their crappy TOS rather than adopt it. In the meantime, why not use Google Video to upload and convert your files and then download the converted files on to podshow or your own server?

i wouldn’t feel too great knowing my kids are watching artvamps hairy asshole, they love youtube but may not get the art in watching her getting fucked.

Bigdaddy Kane, I have never posted any of artvamp’ videos on Youtube nor have I ever posted porn on youtube. I’m glad you got a chance to use the phrase ‘artvamps hairy asshole’ in a comment though.

Maybe it’d be of some use to tell people what content of yours youtube removed, instead of expecting blind faith from the visitors of your site. Maybe it was copyright material, as I’ve noticed that you’ve featured some of insanefilms. I don’t know though because you offered no details.

It was not copyrighted material. nothing I have ever posted on youtube is copyrighted. Evidentally THAT is fine. The content in question is (was) four trailers for films by nick zedd. I posted the same trailers in various video journal on insanefilms this month but I’m not sure of the entries. The trailers were for the following films:
Tom Thumb and the Land of the Giants
Why do you Exist
Ecstacy in Entropy
War is Menstrual Envy

all of these trailers were100% original content and i worked with the director myself in both creating and posting the trailers.

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