
YR397 Tijuana Tendencies

Here turday
we have Carlos of the Tijuana who has some homosexual tendencies.

shownotes by Davy

My vagina.

Therapy is for crazy people.

Carlos hates the Wanda Wisdom because she is nice.

Carlos likes the boobies.

Carlos likes Aztec looking chics.

Canned Cunt is near the Yucatan.

Next time Carlos is on we are going turd review a little free gay porn.

Carlos warshes his dildo out.

Being a lesbian who went to business school, I have an inside view of how the corporatacracy works.

Within the contradiction is where one can really learn – where there is no answer – that is where thought advances.

A lot of people feel one can create most effectively when there is an opposing force. – a la Matthew Barney

Gore Vidal’s article made Carlos consider some extreme right ideas.

Carlos said his wife likes the size of his penis.

Carlos takes off his trousers, works his circumcised penis and slaps it against the microphone.

Carlos would be a good bottom for the gays.

Carlos has some issues and doesn’t wear underwear.

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By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

7 replies on “YR397 Tijuana Tendencies”

Thank you Carlos for explaining Hegelian philosophy I often wondered what it meant but was too lazy to find out.
It’s not beyond the capabilities of mathematicians of say complex weather systems to apply chaos theory to economics, the possible reason why these models aren’t entirely predictable is that it’s a mean old man’s world, after all, how many golden helicopters does a greedy hippy need?
It’s always a pleasure to listen to Carlos is there any news on the boycott of Coca-Cola?

After listening to this I think I figure out why I, and probably others, find you and your show compelling – at least politically. I also figure out why some people don’t get you.

Long ago, I used to be a big Rush Limbo fan. Rush was able to condense the political views he espoused into concise sound bytes.

You don’t. While I’m listening to you and Carlos I was getting a little frustrated with the two of you not getting to the point.

But then it hit me.

I stopped listening to Rush because he had simplified everything to the point where it lost its intelligence. Everything was black and white. But there is no black and white. There are shades of gray and colors and blank spots (white space). And, all of this hew shifts its positions as the power shifts. It’s not that simple. You’re not that simple. And you’re not that simple because IT is not that simple.

So I continued listening because I finally figured out that I don’t listen to you for the answers. I believe you have even said you don’t have the answers. I listen to you to help me understand the problem so I can figure out the answer for myself. I guess I’ve been doing that all along but now I know what it is I am doing.

Thank you Madge – you lovely old crusty whore.

Hi Whore,

I bet your fat is all mushy now that you have had a slappy massage…

When is Carlos gonna get to the point? 😉 If he was a caller to your advice show, you’d have hung up on him eight times…

As for a couple shows ago, RE: the “gay” word being used in a negative light/BBC policy decision…

I mean, didn’t the gay community co-opt the word in the first place? The word used to mean “happy,” now it has no connotations for that (except in BW movies). Shouldn’t then all happy elderly people be pissed that they can’t say “I’m feeling so very gay today!” ?

I don’t agree with the BBC’s decision to brush the issue under the rug, but one cannot put a lock on language. It is forever changing… Even sometimes for the worse.

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