
YR389 First Shit in Bloatedpest

here it is. no time for bullshit- kfc wifi is shady in budapest

ShowNotes by Davy

Bloatedpests remind me of Hansel and Gretel.

The turd that wouldn’t go down.

Delturd Airlines – Flight 80

There’s something about PodCasting and hot beverages that just go well turdgether.

Stucco covered communism.

Met Michael Schaap who is going some great VideoBlog stuff.

I need a place to sprawl out my fat.

Turd breaking 101

Met Bicycle Mark’s roommate Amy Abdou – a fabulous musician. Download her music on the PodSafe Music Network!

Fat slapping massages hurt.

The 2004 Ohio Presidential Election was fixed!

Too tired – see ya…

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

10 replies on “YR389 First Shit in Bloatedpest”

MAdge’s big bertha suitcase had an abortion in the form of a smaller suitcase which she is now wandering Pesht with. Or is it Buda? Which is the nicer side anyway?

Ah Schaapman, the guy who got part of his dick cut off. Unfortunately public outcry, over male genital mutilation was minimal and quickly subsided.

Ah, good to hear you got there in one piece – bloat and all.

And you really should get over here (UK), you whore! If there are enough people for a meetup, even better. Lots of willing subjects for your research project. 😉

Great show! But the sound of the Hungarian toilet flushing was one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever heard. Did you put a small microphone on the actual turd as it sloshed around?

Stop eating Chicago’s Pizza everyday you whore and maybe you wouldn’t shit so big. Fatty ammerican food begets fatty american shit bloat.

If you go to the Pest side of Budapest some of the building still have bullet holes in them from the ’56 revolution.

Ohio elections fixed!
Hell yes with the guy in charge running for Governor… Jackass Kenneth Blackwell.
Blackwell owned stock in Diebold..hmmmm strange huh and that is the machines we bought?
He was in charge of the elections being the Secretary of State and he was also campaign chairman for Dubyas bid for re-election.

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