
YR385 Cheryl and Pals

Lots of funny guests turday,
including a special gay porno producer.

Show notes by Matt Blender.

Godaddy. Gogogogogogo.
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Call-in show.

Tranny Wreck calls in. She wants to team up with Criffy. Tranny Wreck is also into World of Warcraft.

Secunt Life.

Talking Tranny was dropped from Trans FM and we talk about censorship.

Master Dave comes on the line and then hangs up.

Rob with the Average Penis comes on.

Ragan Fox is “hate crime worthy” (according to Cheryl).

Ali Myvagina.

Matt Blender calls in and asks for help on his internet connection problems.

Ali loses his shit.

Matt Blender Hang Up Count: 1.

Matt Blender calls in again and gets compared to Rachel Kann.

Matt Blender Hang Up Count: 2.

Ali’s offers some brilliant suggestions and then gets cunty.

What Ali’s penis looks like. Rob with the Average Penis offers tech support.

Matt Blender Hang Up Count: 3.

Rob with the Average Penis (mistakenly) thinks he’s worthy of being stalked.

Cheryl chews off a piece of Talking Tranny’s clit.

Jihadist Jerry may meet up with me in Europe. Jerry has a question about the relationship between love and destiny.

Gay Porn Radio guy calls in and gives me some free porn passwords.

Robby from Teen Podcasters calls in to talk about Secunt Life. Jihad and Ali both use inappropriate language. SHAME.

Gay Porn Radio guy doesn’t get erections while filming scenes. Not even the sex smells turn him on.

How porn fakes come.

Everyone tries to get hooked up with one of Gay Porn Radio guy’s porn actors.

Meta talk and more Ragan hate.

Twig porn actor Josh Tucker was assfucking a high school friend. High school friend then had a violent blood farting episode.

We talk with Gay Porn Radio guy about porn and exploitation.

Jihad and Ali exchange words.

Douching on the set before a scene.

Porn and obscenity laws.

Are words racist?

Fisting with dead baby arms.

Porn actors’ shaving habits.

Kicking people off the call-in advice show is like executing them.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

43 replies on “YR385 Cheryl and Pals”

Oh my, you know I’m going to be taking this on the plane with me. If the American customs officers find that dirty whore Cheryl on my iPod, they’ll probably send me back.

Matt’s landlord needs to go into the wireless router’s configuration and allow Matt’s machine’s MAC address to access the WiFi router.

It also sounds like the landlord needs to plugin the Cable/DSL Router/Modem into the WiFi router. The ethernet connection coming from the Cable/DSL Router/Modem usually needs to be in the first port of the WiFi Router.

I got him all fixed up. He needed to first select the correct access point (trial and error) and set the computer to never dial a connection.

Ahh a day in the life of a tech support guy.

Was it Ali who mentioned fisting as an Art form? Maybe this could have been developed further to compare the difference between, say, the work of Mapplethorpe compared to the cheap shit that most pornographers churn out.
It would have been also nice to hear some different rotes apart from the perennial racist epithets and references to child molestation as these subjects have surely run their course by now, or we to expect new variations on these themes, in order to prove what point exactly; that your guests are demented sociopaths?

I thought the idea of making the Friday advise show was to make listeners even more depressed. My comments are intended as the antidote to help raise a little wry smile, and, heaven forbid promote my podcast.

What does crayhoe mean?

HAHAHAHA! Best. Friday. Show. Ever. Cheryl and Ali’s vaginas were on fire turdnight. The BDSM-esque tearing to shreads of poor-(other)-Matt (Blender) had me in tears I was laughing so hard.

I love Cheryl’s quivering giggle.

“Rob with the Average Penis (mistakenly) thinks he’s worthy of being stalked.”


[…] I said “FUCK TO YOU GODDAMN BEANER BLOOD FART!!!!!!” (I learn “blood fart” on Yeast Radio this week, so I am try to use this as much I can). She did not think this was funny and wanted to talk to my manager, but it was already too late because she was walking by right then anyway. I think they want to get rid of me anyway because they have sirius radio in the break room, and now evryone know about my eurethra and all of that and I can her them talking about to me when I walk by, they call me Ali Vagina and all of that. Fuck them bitch. I know I was in trouble, so I decide to have fun with this lady so I tell to her a bunch of shit like “prolapse” this and “whorehole” and whatever like that, and my boss then shetried to knock the phone from my hand with her fat pudgy cheetoes stained paw. She is bloated whore, and I hate this whore because she walk around saying “PUMP IT UP” and “SMILE AND DIAL” with her gold tooth shining in and rose tattoo , and her stubbly armpits with balls of deoderant stuck in her I told her long time ago that this is not fucking telemarketing bullshit but all she did was write me up. I don’t give too fucks. If I get fired maybe it is blessing in the skies because I can do more creative shit like my new friends Cheryl and Madge and all of that whatever stuff. […]

Great show. Loved the regulars–esp. Cheryl as the show runner.

Gay Porn Radio guy was such a creep. Is there anything worse than a moralising pornographer? “None of our models are prostitutes,” “None of our models drink,” “None of our models smoke or do drugs,” “blah, blah, blah,” “Pornography doesn’t exploit people,” I mean, whatever. His “star,” Josh Tucker, is 21-years-old–just because something is legal and consensual, doesn’t mean it can’t be exploitative.

That, coupled with his “we use hair conditioner instead of semen” nonsense–and, oh yeah, “I am not a pimp.” That was a good one too. People can be SO deluded.

Great show, of course. I love a good viper’s nest. You should’ve torn that guy to shreds.

this was such a great show i listened twice im not sure if i understand those porn laws maybe they only apply to small studios; loved jerry like always

hi madge, I used to listen to your show. a year ago it was funny and something special. now I see that you are just another lonely unhappy bitch like I am. So boring. It’s a shame. This world sucks und vor allem die leute.

I do not know about the thumb rule.. sounds like pg rated porn to me.. I sent a hot link to … where a guy gets half an arm in his twat then gets punch fucked, literally switching off hands .. and finishes the scene by sitting on a foot. Now, if little ol “Taffy” can find a free clip of this on the internet .. I cant imagine the “thumb rule”, “shit rule” .. or other stuff the porn guy had to say was worth too much salt either… besides, I don’t care if the kid is dripping blood twink porn sucks.

Enjoy the link Cheryl, if you cant post it on your whore hole at least share it with Madge for her research.

That Matt talks and talks, but doesn’t say anything. I want to hear Madge and real people’s dilemmas, not some mentally handicapped person’s technical support needs. Get a brain that works and then you’ll solve your computer problems!

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