
YR383 Life is a Renewable Resource…

The Gussie Code.

Godaddy. Special codes and all that business.

I am NOT a fat, gassy, bloatbian.

h d fell and hurt herself. Please email her your support at [email protected].

Soon I will be in Europe for the entire summer.

Please listen to the May 15th interview on Democracy Now.

Don’t send me audio comments on Skype. I don’t know how to listen to them.

I food ate with the Windy City Radio queercast people.

Who cares about the Gay Games? It’s all about being attractive, not attracted.

Is Ali Myvagina on Democracy Life?

All my listeners are my friends.

New laundry pickup service that I heard about from Mizez Slocombe.

Had a nice time with the niece.

When I’m in Europe I’m going to stay with Bicycle Mark.

Travel plans.

I’m posting the ENTIRE Miss New Town Beauty Pageant online. See Sue Nami fall down the steps during her act. Words can’t do it justice.

MAX FROM KARMABANQUE: please verify if I have these details correct. In the 1920’s American oil barons decided that Iraq must not produce oil. This was the seed that grew into the current crisis in Iraq.

Going through Gussie’s clothes. I’m keeping her shirt like in Bareback Mountain.

Trying to read the mystery message on the shirt: “Life is a renewable resource, journey, and a…*&^%#$”

Creepy Jesus shirt.

#2 contributor to Bush campaign: Exxon mobile. $400 million of our money going to Lee Raymond’s retirement fund.

Bush disenfranchises black voters.

This is a Matthew Barney kind of show.

Somehow Wanda Wisdumb’s jism got on Gussie’s pants.

Condolences to Usama Alshaibi. His brother died recently.

The media is pickpocketing us of our knowledge.

Chavez offered oil to the US
for 1/3 off the market price Opec. Bush refused because it would disrupt his power struggle.

You pay Exxon $3 a gallon for oil. Saudi Arabia then lends it back to us in petrol dollars, which then finances our enormous debt. Bush then uses this debt to finance his war.

Picking up Chauncey’s ashes.

Ken Lay lives in Ragan Fox‘s mom’s building.

Tips to suiciders.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

8 replies on “YR383 Life is a Renewable Resource…”


If it makes you feel better, I wasn’t trying to be sarcastic. I think it’s on a X-inx box and those get really horked off about case.

Could that word that Madge couldn’t read be “beginning” as in fresh beginning? Just a thought.

During the “Summer of Madge, European Lesbian Tour 2006” I’m taking Madge out on my bloat on the canals of Amsturdam.. so long as it doesn’t sink, we can go cruising… I mean like sailing..

madge trust me the pain never goes away abaught loved ones dieing. my last love wants to kill me and i dont know why
well at least you can make fun of me since i probebly never will have a girlfriend thanks to my fucking illness

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