
YR382 Driving While Bloated

Skinny lesbian with food allergies.

Show notes by Matt Blender.


Driving to Joseph Ravens’ birthday.

Wiretapping. We’re being governed by marshall law. I’m glad I’m going to Europe.

Dorks are kissing Curry ass in Secunt Life and Ragan got blown up by terrorists.

Visiting relatives.

Why am I such a fatbian?

Finally recorded the latest Eat This Hot Show. Everything went wrong.

Drug testing was the beginning of us giving our rights away.

Song by Charm City Podcast.

Podcasting while on the toilet.

Ran into Silky Jumbo at Joseph Ravens’ birthday party. Hello to him and his dog Flash.

Sad memories of grocery shopping at Whole Foods with Gussie.

Discussion with Ben Chang at dinner about World of Warcraft. A girl in the WOW died in real life and her friends had an online funeral for her. It got ambushed. Everyone online is creating fame through cuntroversy.

Performance artist Katherine Behar will be on my European trip. Story about a performance piece she did that involved beef in her hair and lots of flies.

Cuntribute your podcast and it may get played on Yeast Radio. Send your shows to [email protected] a week from turday.

“Life is Strange” by Zeeche.

Latest Desperate Housewives with the botox diva and bee sting makeup.

The appeal of Secunt Life and its reflection of our society’s mores and values.

Almost ran over some girl.

I’m never eating at Burger King again.

PBS doing reality tv= the beginning of the end.

Cali from the Geek Brief.

Richard Brewer-Hay from Podshow works hard.

Pate foie gras is illegal in Chicago.

Watching sports while getting my cunt eaten out.

An update on the bloat I shat.

New update to iWeb.

Leo Strauss: father of neoconservatism.


Karl Rove on Bush’s popularity. Has he been indicted yet? What happened?

The media is an echo chamber.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

3 replies on “YR382 Driving While Bloated”

I have read some things about the new iWeb update. There are some bugs so I am waiting until they are sorted out.

Actually I’m not sure if I want comments. I was always looking for them when I was at Type Pad. It’s a bit freeing not looking for validation, or at least obsessing about it.

I actually liked the Burger King commercial (I am man) — especially after at least 2 decades of absolutely horrible Burger King commercials. As for the machismo, I thought it was pretty clear that it was all tongue-in-cheek. I thought it made fun of men without going to the idiotic level most beer commercials do.

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