
YR374 OOOH! Me So Prolapsed *queef*

Coffee clatch with Cheryl
only this week you get two days of it. This is part one of two. Tomorrow’s is better though.
Show notes by Matt Blender.

Kiko from the Visitronix Blog.

Helena Handbag.

Hanging out at a Second Life bathhouse.

Dagomatik’s weird post on Qpodder.

Flight 93 movie. It’ll probably work up Straightchris some more. Issues!

Jihadist Jerry calls in.

Roundtable discussion on Iran. Is the US instigating a civil war in Iraq?

The Sopranos.

Kiko was too busy stagefrighting to talk.

Finding Rachel Kann a new Mann.

Darin of All Preparation, No H = Republicunt.

Adam from the Krebcyclecast.

Sneak preview of Cheryl’s new #1 hit, “Me So Prolapsed.”

Run-in with a menopausal woman on the elevator.

Bill Streeter of Lo Fi St. Louis comes on the show.

Chris Weagel joins the Skype conversation.

The president himself joins us. He gets into a catfight with Jihadist Jerry.

Erik Nelson, vlogger.

Cheryl and George W. duet.

Trashtalking Vloggercon.

Email me: [email protected]. Send audio comments to 206-888-CUNT.

Visit turday! Enter Madge1, Madge2, or Madge3 at checkout for special discounts.

Tune in turdmorrow for 90 more minutes of the advice chat.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

7 replies on “YR374 OOOH! Me So Prolapsed *queef*”

madge i wanted to say firstly super show but your rong with the nuklear wepons they wont be weaker hiroshima is tiny against a normal sized atomic explosion these days a small atomic bomb would still at least be as bbig as hiroshima
luv ru

No- the types of bombs that the Seymour Hirsh article says bush wants to use are bunker busting nukes. I posted a story on it in americunt. They are not talking about regular nukes. These are ‘mini’ nukes which are 50x more powerful than what is currently our most explosive conventional weapon, the MOAB.

Again I say, those nuke still kill no matter how strong they is! So you know Ragan, I is Jihadist with no religion, I declair FATWAH! on those who choose to oppress with ignorance and stupidity. And those who choose to live in the fear that the former people create. Then again, Madge might be out of job if I go too crazy, yes?

Robert Fisk is partisan and leftist? Please. Robert Fisk has dedicated his entire career to being IN WAR ZONES. He has seen death, destruction, and all the hypocracy the comes with “war” in the middle east. Clean Hands? We’re not talking about a guy who writes a column and sits on his ass all day — Robert Fisk has seen more war then most soldiers in any military anywhere.

Usually the civil war occurs AFTER the occupation ends. As long as a country is occupied the people are unified in fighting/resisting the foreign military and then when it ends they start fighting each other over the same differences they had before the invasion. I think that maybe somebody came up with the “bright” idea to try to start a civil war in Iraq now so they will be too busy fighting each other to mount any kind of resistance against the US troops. This with the added bonus that the republiCUNTS can claim that Iraq is too unstable to leave now and so the US will have an excuse to stay in Iraq. A very lame excuse mind you, especially if it’s true that US Military is responsible for car bombs in Iraq.

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