
YR383 Life is a Renewable Resource…

The Gussie Code.

Godaddy. Special codes and all that business.

I am NOT a fat, gassy, bloatbian.

h d fell and hurt herself. Please email her your support at [email protected].

Soon I will be in Europe for the entire summer.

Please listen to the May 15th interview on Democracy Now.

Don’t send me audio comments on Skype. I don’t know how to listen to them.

I food ate with the Windy City Radio queercast people.

Who cares about the Gay Games? It’s all about being attractive, not attracted.

Is Ali Myvagina on Democracy Life?

All my listeners are my friends.

New laundry pickup service that I heard about from Mizez Slocombe.

Had a nice time with the niece.

When I’m in Europe I’m going to stay with Bicycle Mark.

Travel plans.

I’m posting the ENTIRE Miss New Town Beauty Pageant online. See Sue Nami fall down the steps during her act. Words can’t do it justice.

MAX FROM KARMABANQUE: please verify if I have these details correct. In the 1920’s American oil barons decided that Iraq must not produce oil. This was the seed that grew into the current crisis in Iraq.

Going through Gussie’s clothes. I’m keeping her shirt like in Bareback Mountain.

Trying to read the mystery message on the shirt: “Life is a renewable resource, journey, and a…*&^%#$”

Creepy Jesus shirt.

#2 contributor to Bush campaign: Exxon mobile. $400 million of our money going to Lee Raymond’s retirement fund.

Bush disenfranchises black voters.

This is a Matthew Barney kind of show.

Somehow Wanda Wisdumb’s jism got on Gussie’s pants.

Condolences to Usama Alshaibi. His brother died recently.

The media is pickpocketing us of our knowledge.

Chavez offered oil to the US
for 1/3 off the market price Opec. Bush refused because it would disrupt his power struggle.

You pay Exxon $3 a gallon for oil. Saudi Arabia then lends it back to us in petrol dollars, which then finances our enormous debt. Bush then uses this debt to finance his war.

Picking up Chauncey’s ashes.

Ken Lay lives in Ragan Fox‘s mom’s building.

Tips to suiciders.


YR382 Driving While Bloated

Skinny lesbian with food allergies.

Show notes by Matt Blender.


Driving to Joseph Ravens’ birthday.

Wiretapping. We’re being governed by marshall law. I’m glad I’m going to Europe.

Dorks are kissing Curry ass in Secunt Life and Ragan got blown up by terrorists.

Visiting relatives.

Why am I such a fatbian?

Finally recorded the latest Eat This Hot Show. Everything went wrong.

Drug testing was the beginning of us giving our rights away.

Song by Charm City Podcast.

Podcasting while on the toilet.

Ran into Silky Jumbo at Joseph Ravens’ birthday party. Hello to him and his dog Flash.

Sad memories of grocery shopping at Whole Foods with Gussie.

Discussion with Ben Chang at dinner about World of Warcraft. A girl in the WOW died in real life and her friends had an online funeral for her. It got ambushed. Everyone online is creating fame through cuntroversy.

Performance artist Katherine Behar will be on my European trip. Story about a performance piece she did that involved beef in her hair and lots of flies.

Cuntribute your podcast and it may get played on Yeast Radio. Send your shows to [email protected] a week from turday.

“Life is Strange” by Zeeche.

Latest Desperate Housewives with the botox diva and bee sting makeup.

The appeal of Secunt Life and its reflection of our society’s mores and values.

Almost ran over some girl.

I’m never eating at Burger King again.

PBS doing reality tv= the beginning of the end.

Cali from the Geek Brief.

Richard Brewer-Hay from Podshow works hard.

Pate foie gras is illegal in Chicago.

Watching sports while getting my cunt eaten out.

An update on the bloat I shat.

New update to iWeb.

Leo Strauss: father of neoconservatism.


Karl Rove on Bush’s popularity. Has he been indicted yet? What happened?

The media is an echo chamber.


YR381 The Final Food Eat & I like the Sweet Crust


Macbook Pro HEating solution
NOrm Augustinus
At&t and Justice Dept.

Show notes by Matt Blender.

Godaddy. Check out with madge1, madge2, or madge3 for special discounts.

Recording on new remote device. Comments?

Stacy’s newKarmabanque intro with sound bites of me. I may see Max and Stacy when I’m in Paris this summer.

The reason why the latest Eat This Hot Show still hasn’t been out yet. Hint: it involves me eating crow.

Puffy Blubbercunt graduated from college. Ragan has earned his doctorate. Wanda Wisdumb’s new gig with Lavender Magazine. Cuntgratulations all around.

Geek talk: taking the heat out of myMac Book Pro.

Dinner with drag friends and Matt Blender.

Norm should call the Archdiocese of Chicago to report a sexual abuse case.

Send catchphrase ideas for Cheryl to Puffy as a graduation present.

Drag friend Sue Nami took a header during her act on Saturday and I have it all on tape. Look for it on the internets soon.

QPodders: send me your shows. I might need to put them on Yeast Radio in case I can’t record a show while I’m in Europe. Email me at [email protected] for details. No music shows or Jesus please.

Anyone can join QPodder as long as you support gay rights. Bareback Mountain doesn’t count.

Mikeypod hacks up a lung during her voicemail message.

Yoga with PNS Noah and his manfriend Devin. Look out for their studio when it opens.

Norm has another idea for Starbucks involving digitally placing customers’ faces on naked bodies.

Is Cheryl related to a drag friend of mine?

Desperate Housewives.

Justice Department drops AT & T wiretapping case.

Terry of da visited the Vaticdan and tried to get a big gay priest to excommunicate him.

Someday someone will make a Miss Iraq to replace Miss Saigon.

Bush and his choice for head of CIA: a demolition of democracy.

The media promotes its celebrity sluts in lieu of reporting the news.


Proof and Admission by Diebold that Voting Machines are Easily Hacked.

THis is insane and we Americans MUST do something before the next election in November. If not, surely we will be overrun with voting irregularites again, also known as fraud.

No wonder Bush doesn’t care about polls. They don’t matter when you fix an election.

For those of you who thinks this smells like conspiracy theory, think again: Look at all Bush has done and tell me what absurdity is not possible for this evil man to conjur up.



YR380 Penile Prolapse

Part two of the advice show. Karla and Karen call in as Madge and Cheryl try to find her a may-un. More than that too


Don’t be a ho, daddy! Godaddy!

“Welcome to Jesusland” song by David Ippolito, reccomended by Zillafag.

Voicemail from Sharon from Tampon. Sharon offers dog advice to random gay guy “Trevie,” whom she confuses for Matt Blender.

Cheryl’s “Me So Prolapse” song.

Asscast promo.

In their most recent Karmabanque podcast, Max and Stacy comment on the irony of the American poor voting against their own humanity.

Cheryl’s latest podcast, where she interviews Ali Myvagina.

Mary and Karla from Rumorgirls call in. Karla will be the next guess on Eat This Hot Show.

Dickhole video. Click it! It’s awesome!

The biggest thing that Ali ever stuck up his hole.

Karla and Karen want info on fisting.

Karen’s looking for Mr. Right.

Cheryl’s special friends.

Peter Mavrick of the 8 inch penis calls in. His boyfriend gives toothy head.

PNS Explosion on Windy City Radio.

Peter saw a certain blue-pubed podcaster at the bathhouse.

Where did Rebecca Shenanay go?

Fat man on courtesy of Peter Mavrick.

Cheryl attempts to egg on Ali Myvagina.

Second Life blah blah blah.

Peter Mavrick: kiss-ass?

Random clip of Criffy’s podcast.

Random clip from Rachel Kann’s Eat Bird podcast.

Closing out with lots of love going around, as per usual.


YR379 Me Prolapse Long Time!

Roger Smalls, Cheryl’s latest hit, a brand new Zeeche song and the usual characturds in skypseville.

Show notes by Matt Blender.

Whoa daddy! Godaddy!

Cheryl’s new hit: Me So Prolapsed.

Jihadist Jerry: meet up in Europe?

New Zeeche song.

Roger Smalls voicemail and letter.

Giving advice to random gay about his dog’s housetraining problem. Shit on dick.

Michael Corrino calls in. His kid is still making Madge Weinstein brown poop.

Cheryl is busy scaring children.

Cheryl: the next Britney?

Dickhole. Click it.

Cheryl was on Playboy Radio with me.

Matt Blender calls in and tanks hardcore.

Ali Myvagina.

Rob with the Average Penis has problems with a smelly student.

Cheryl’s dirty hippy friend and her perfumed vaginer.

Swapping racist Asian stories.

Trotsky’s penis.

Ali getting mad at Cheryl on her show.

Yet some more Secunt Life chat. I’m a minute from getting banned for life.

Visiting Australia, maybe. Cheryl’s too ugly to come along.

Email address just for food.

Next week: the Rumor Girls.

PNS Noah.


YR378, Gold, The Dollar, Iran, and Madge’s Bloat Featuring Max and Stacy of Karmabanque

This show is good
because you get a full hour of Max and Stacy of Max recently produced a film to be aired on Al Jazeera’s new English channel.

Show notes by Matt Blender.


Max, Stacy of Karmabanque: gold values going up. Dollar value is crashing. The world economy is getting rid of the dollar because it thinks the American economy is going belly up.

The American economy is collapsing. No one will buy bonds in the future. The government will have to buy its own bonds. To do that, the government will have to print more money, which will cause hyperinflation. Hyperinflation has happened in the past with the Weimar Republic.

Iraq= windfall for big business.

Max: America is socialist.

Reverse upward mobility.

Stacy: Shanghai Cooperation Organization is offering Iran, Pakistan and India full memberships. This could remove the US’s threat of economic boycott.

Lesbians have the same brain patterns as straight men.

Max: the use of certain words like “democracy,” “patriotism,” and “terrorist” has changed. Why isn’t anyone calling the Exxon people terrorists?

Americans don’t think at all.


Voting machines are easier to tamper with than Vegas slot machines.

Conservatives win by stooping so low that people won’t believe the degree of their treachery.

Max: the perception that the US is the most productive country is misleading.

Max: suicide shopping.

Bush’s best moment in office was catching a fish.

Max: press most culpable in the collapse of the American economy.

Stephen Colbert: irony to explain the truth. Swiftian.

Karmabanque’s new deal with Aljazeera English.

Max: political landscape changing. Pendulum swinging away from neocons.

Max: greatest hope on horizon is the open source movement.


YR377 Maggots and Faggots

Get it.

Show notes by Matt Blender.

Gobig! Go Daddy! madge1, madge2, madge3!

Dave Calderbank‘s makeup present to Cheryl.

Fight Aids at Home by donating your computer time. Join the QPodder Team.

Gary from Chub Creek: sensitive yet productive blogger.

Iraqi police have begun killing gays.

Cheryl is a lazy fucking whore. She can send me a link to Puffy’s graduation wishlist but she can’t record ONE song for me.

Max from Karmabanque has made a movie that will be on Al Jizzirah.

Matt Blender.

I work hard.

Quill Magazine: is copying press releases plagiarism?

Trip itinerary. Have to sublet my place. I’m stressed.

Mikeypod and Wanda Wisdumb have been fucking like bunnies on Secunt Life.

Cuntgratulations to Marcus Couch from The Scene Zine for his 100th episode.

Song from Martin.

Zillafag and his take on the whole “fag”/Adam Scurry drama of yore.

Ragans Fox.

Voicemail from Sharon from Tampa. Pronunciations of the name “Weinstein.”

Scary call from a scary admirer. The story of a maggot named Alvin that calls the caller’s pussy his home.

Skype me on Wednesdays at 9 pm Central to be on the advice show. My username is Madge Weinstein. Inbound calls at 773-828-4384.

Noise music featuring Bjork, opera, another installment of the maggot epic from the scary caller, Sesame street, and a reading from Ragan Fox’s Heterophobia.


YR376 Bissel and Bloat with Norm and XXX CHERYL XXX

Fun monday stuff. Norm orders a toilet seat made out of his dead dad. Cheryl is a whore.


Show notes by Matt Blender.

Get some badass domain names at! Use codes madge1, madge2 or madge3 at checkout for special discounts.

Secunt Life with Ragan Fox.

Come see my Australian cousin Dame Gagme Witherspoon perform on Saturday, May 13th. Come early.

Cheryl and Jihadist Jerry Secunt Life intervention.

The Register on why we say “blahum.”

Look for me at Casa del Bloat on Secunt Life. I may also be opening up a Secunt Life abortion center with Ragen.

Blog Wild by Andymatic.

Phonecall with Cheryl about Dave Calderbank talking shit about her.

Bush says that the people on Flight 93 struck the first blow in World War III.

Weekly presidential radio address.

Information Clearing House: George Bush has no intention of following international law.

Christian Science Monitor: American economy crashing.

Old-33 from Daily Kos: Goss from CIA took free hooker appointments from lobbyists.

Daily Kos blogger Georgia10 and I were both on the cover of the Chicago Reader.

Having Democrats in office isn’t the answer to our problems.

Ha Ha America: China and the American economy. Lemonade.

Norm Augustinus wants a toilet seat built out of his dead father’s bones.

Bloating out on Thai.

Send audio feedback to 206-888-CUNT. Email me at [email protected]. Leave comments on the blog.

I will be on Playboy Radio with beautiful bunny Tiffany on May 10th. Call in for advice LIVE at 12 pm Pacific Time. 323-344-4699.


Upcoming Events

Dame Gagme Witherspoon

Originally uploaded by YeastRadio.

My dear Australian step cousin, Dame Gagme Witherspoon, will be making a very rare personal appearance next Saturdday, May 13. She is returning to the Miss New Town Beauty Pageant to debut her crossover from opera to the wonderful world of show tunes.

The public is welcome, but this show always ends up standing room only so get there early. (Open seating).

The pageant is a benefit for the New Town Alanol Club, a place for people to treat their alcoholism or other addictions.

Place: St. Peter’s Church at Broadway and Belmont (on Belmont)
Time: Doors open at 7pm, show starts at 8.
Date: Saturday May 13
Price $20 with lots of good raffel prizes so bring extra money for more fun or to give my step-cousin a tip.

Please don’t call my step cousin a whore. Unlike me, she is refined.