
YR389 First Shit in Bloatedpest

here it is. no time for bullshit- kfc wifi is shady in budapest

ShowNotes by Davy

Bloatedpests remind me of Hansel and Gretel.

The turd that wouldn’t go down.

Delturd Airlines – Flight 80

There’s something about PodCasting and hot beverages that just go well turdgether.

Stucco covered communism.

Met Michael Schaap who is going some great VideoBlog stuff.

I need a place to sprawl out my fat.

Turd breaking 101

Met Bicycle Mark’s roommate Amy Abdou – a fabulous musician. Download her music on the PodSafe Music Network!

Fat slapping massages hurt.

The 2004 Ohio Presidential Election was fixed!

Too tired – see ya…