

In Budapest- leaving for Cluj and then Sapanta. Not sure when I’ll be on the net next. Sirius is programmed for the week.


YR389 First Shit in Bloatedpest

here it is. no time for bullshit- kfc wifi is shady in budapest

ShowNotes by Davy

Bloatedpests remind me of Hansel and Gretel.

The turd that wouldn’t go down.

Delturd Airlines – Flight 80

There’s something about PodCasting and hot beverages that just go well turdgether.

Stucco covered communism.

Met Michael Schaap who is going some great VideoBlog stuff.

I need a place to sprawl out my fat.

Turd breaking 101

Met Bicycle Mark’s roommate Amy Abdou – a fabulous musician. Download her music on the PodSafe Music Network!

Fat slapping massages hurt.

The 2004 Ohio Presidential Election was fixed!

Too tired – see ya…


Cheryl’s Boat in Amsterdam


Originally uploaded by YeastRadio.

I found Cheryl’s boat.


Yeast Travel Update

In 3 days, i’ve been in Chicago, miami, and now I’m stuck in New York because I missed my cunt nections for Amsterdam.

So I’ve been using the qPodder cuntributed shows to fill in for me on Sirius which so far is working out great! Thanks so much to those of you who are helping out. I’ll try to let you know when I play them. This week, I played RumorGirls on Thursday, Cheryl’s Whore Hole on Friday. PNS Explosion will play on Memorial Day. After that will be Bicyclemark followed by Tranny Wreck and I expect Karmabanque. I’m playing these in the order I receive them with the exception of time-sensitive shows which I will play sooner.

UPDATE: Please visit for Randy Wicker’s footage of the Q-Me con videoblogging panel in which a PodShow/qPodder representative spoke.

UPDATE #2: I finally made it to amsterdam. I’m at bicyclemark’s house. We’re going on a bloat ride. Look for videos on and Lady Bunny on Eat This Hot Show #34 which I just posted.


YR388 Rapechel, Ragan, and Second LIfe Impending Terrorist Strike


New Sponsor!

Show Notes by Davy.

Turday we have the Ragan Fox and lots of Rapechel Kann!

Secunt Life drama with a Cunt and a dancepole.

Thanks to Robbie for the nukes that I’m going to use to blow the Cunt up.

Diane Feinstein is neo-cuntservative whore.

Straight men think Secunt Life is real because they need pictures to masturbate.

How are two fingers the same as a douche?

Rapechel uses her big pubic bone to hate on Karla.

Lesbians love Hardees.

Chief old person says, “Say no to drugs.”

Rapechel met a new guy (victim) in riding class.

Rapechel Kann talks…

Don’t harsh my mellow.

Rapechel Kann talks more…

Bumpers make me think of genital warts.

Ragan Fox does a threeway with me and the Rapechel.

Ragan tell us a tale of love, loss and gay dotcum.

Rapechel Kann talks again…

Ragan tells us how he needs to be trained like a dog.

Check out:

Earthlink’s Make Advertising Better Challenge!!!



YR387 Cookie Thernbaum is a Whore!

She can’t take it with her.

Matt Blender was beat up over the weekend. He is doing okay. Hope you are better soon Matt. We love you.

Show Notes by Davy

Food Eat Remix by Dave Calderbank

Today we test the portable set-up!

Cookie Thernbaum is a big fat douche bag whore…
I spit (in R.L.)

Cookie Thernbaum never had an abortion from a black man who raped her.
I speak in tounges (in R.L.)

Cookie Thernbaum has a big black dildo in her office (cunt).
I have an Ethel Merman flashback (not in R.L.)

Trotsky and I went to pick up Chauncey’s ashes.

I hate Tony Blaihaah…

Why are we willing to treat our animals better than people?

Thank you Ian for the beautiful compilation you made for us.

James Dobson pushes homosexual killing! Happy times 🙂

Cookie Thernbaum acts like a total cunt.
I food eat (in R.L.)

The Anti-Bree Vandekamp

Attacked by a Fat Americunt Ass in Walgreens!

Visit – be creative and buy lots of stupid domain names!
Use my codes to save:
Madge1 to save 10%
Madge2 to save $5 on a $30 or more purchase
Madge3 to get a $6.95 domain name (dotcoms only)


Madge Weinstein on Lazy Bitch Radio!

Check out the SERIOUS discussioin Wanda Wisdumb and I had the other day.


YR386 See OH! Two


Originally uploaded by YeastRadio.

Gay fun show.
Tiger Beat!


Show notes by Davy.

P.W . Fenton rips a wet one.

Listen to my inturdview with the fat whore Wanda Wisdom on LuckyBitchRadio.

I had dinner with KellyBelly, Richard and Bill Streeter (who gave me a t-shirt because I’m a lesbian). Check out their sites!

Thanks to the PNS divas and Rumor Girls for cuntributing to summer line up.

Trotsky likes Michael Chriton.

Dreaming of sweet Gussie…

Finna ginna see h d and then off to Holland.

Small talk with Cheryl the whore (children are the light of her life).

Visit Ali’s blog (very 7-11).

Thanks to Taylor E. Ross for theme song.

Turd-do list of outstanding tasks.

cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt

Tick borne encephalitis???

Norm Augustinus gets lucky (and almost molested)

The origins of girdle spillover.

Citgo is the only decent company to get gas from.

Global Warming video on Think Progress.

Ethnic cleansing is great and doing very well!

Closing music by Davy of

Check out a sneak preview of Nicole Cardi’s new Musique Cardiaque podcast!

Visit to and use Madge1, Madges 2 or Madge3 to get great domain discounts!


YR385 Cheryl and Pals

Lots of funny guests turday,
including a special gay porno producer.

Show notes by Matt Blender.

Godaddy. Gogogogogogo.
Save 10PERCENT by checking out with code Madge1

Call-in show.

Tranny Wreck calls in. She wants to team up with Criffy. Tranny Wreck is also into World of Warcraft.

Secunt Life.

Talking Tranny was dropped from Trans FM and we talk about censorship.

Master Dave comes on the line and then hangs up.

Rob with the Average Penis comes on.

Ragan Fox is “hate crime worthy” (according to Cheryl).

Ali Myvagina.

Matt Blender calls in and asks for help on his internet connection problems.

Ali loses his shit.

Matt Blender Hang Up Count: 1.

Matt Blender calls in again and gets compared to Rachel Kann.

Matt Blender Hang Up Count: 2.

Ali’s offers some brilliant suggestions and then gets cunty.

What Ali’s penis looks like. Rob with the Average Penis offers tech support.

Matt Blender Hang Up Count: 3.

Rob with the Average Penis (mistakenly) thinks he’s worthy of being stalked.

Cheryl chews off a piece of Talking Tranny’s clit.

Jihadist Jerry may meet up with me in Europe. Jerry has a question about the relationship between love and destiny.

Gay Porn Radio guy calls in and gives me some free porn passwords.

Robby from Teen Podcasters calls in to talk about Secunt Life. Jihad and Ali both use inappropriate language. SHAME.

Gay Porn Radio guy doesn’t get erections while filming scenes. Not even the sex smells turn him on.

How porn fakes come.

Everyone tries to get hooked up with one of Gay Porn Radio guy’s porn actors.

Meta talk and more Ragan hate.

Twig porn actor Josh Tucker was assfucking a high school friend. High school friend then had a violent blood farting episode.

We talk with Gay Porn Radio guy about porn and exploitation.

Jihad and Ali exchange words.

Douching on the set before a scene.

Porn and obscenity laws.

Are words racist?

Fisting with dead baby arms.

Porn actors’ shaving habits.

Kicking people off the call-in advice show is like executing them.


YR384 Playright David Cerda

David Cerda
discusses his recent success in L.A.

how notes by Matt Blender.

Go buy domains. Go get special discounts. Godaddy.

Going out to eat with Bill Streeter.

I finally figured out what Gussie’s shirt said.

Queen Tina Ray took some of Gussy’s clothes.

The Wellbutrin is finally augmenting with the Zoloft.

AT & T and Verizon are both saying they didn’t hand over phone records illegally.

The biggest issue going on right now, in my opinion: faulty voting machines.

A pro-war bumper sticker I saw yesturday.

The 90-minute phone-in advice show is turdmorrow. We talked with a gay porno guy.

A clip from Karmabanque Radio: the fall of the US economy, the world’s view of the US, and UK politics.

Vitamins don’t do shit.

Bird flu.

Recording industry lobbying is all about fear and shutting down new technologies.

Haliburton executives earned $8.4 million and executives nationwide got a 10% raise. Meanwhile, pensions are getting cut across the board. (Source:

Inturdview with David Cerda from Hell in a Handbag productions at a restaurant where fat women go to die.

We talk about getting old.

Eating lots of food. Weight Watchtudrs.

David’s did a benefit production of his play, The Birds, in LA to benefit Tippy Hedren’s Roar Foundation. Look at his blog for pictures.

We discuss the recent Miss Serenity Pageant.

David is working on writing an act for seasoned lounge singerMarna Martin, the “Last Lady of Song.” He is also writing a play inspired by old women’s prison movies called Caged Dames.

Keep out for some Hell in a Handbag vlogging.

We discuss transgendered actress Alexandra Billings losing the lead in Transamerica to Felicity Huffman.

David’s new Wikipedia entry, compliments of Matt Birgess.

Nurse, starring Michael Learned.

Abortioncast with Ragans Fox.

Abortion sitcom?

Racist allegations against David after he was on Eat This Hot Show.

Growing up in a racist household.

Everybody’s racist in the car.

Are there going to be desparaging remarks from Straighchris about this episode?